How to take yourself on vacation in Ahungal?


Madugang Lake (Maduganga Lake)

Small narrow river Madugang flows in the southwest Sri Lanka and flows into the sea in the area of ​​Balapitiya. Together with a small lake, Randombe, with which the river is connected by two narrow channels, it forms the wetlands of Madugang (we will call them the "lake"). Numerous islands of mangrove trees grow here, and in general, this is a complex ecosystem, which has a high environmental, biological and aesthetic importance, being "homeland" 303 species of plants and 248 species of vertebrate animals.

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This is perhaps one of the last remaining sections of virgin mangroves on Sri Lanka. In the middle of this lake there is a small island of 800 meters long and a width of about 600 meters in the widest place. There is a small Buddhist temple on it, and with the coast the island connects a narrow bridge. This is not the only island on the lake, but it is the largest - on other tiny isoches, locals are engaged in cinnamon oil and cinnamon powder (you can buy it).

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A total of about 65 small islands. Madugang's wetlands were made to the Ramsar Convention (and therefore, it was declared with an international meaning) in 2003. Madugan's river safari, which, as a rule, lasts about 45 minutes or an hour: you are slowly passing the boat, admiring the trees that grow right in the water, drive to the "cinnamon" islands (as a rule, about three), chat with locals, Enjoy water expanses. Pretty interesting!

Farm Turtles (Kosgoda Sea Turtle Conservation Project)

The project Dudley Peres started in 1988. Its main goal is to monitor the life and nesting of local marine turtles. As well as the purpose of the project - to convey the public the fact that these beautiful animals are under threat of disappearance, and how important them is to protect them, until it is too late. One of the most important areas of project activities is its incubatoria, a farm, if you want. It collected and saved eggs are at a safe distance from predators: the turtle time to get enough to hatch, and then they will send them together in the sea. And here they live and old turtles, including turtle-albino and a disabled turtle. In short, three farms with more than 100 individuals. In the project, by the way, numerous volunteers from different countries of the world are involved. In general, it is an absolutely wonderful place, and very useful in terms of knowledge. Children will be delighted with this place, and adult will certainly like it! It may well be that the turtles will give you and touch, and hold on your hands - an amazing feeling! The entrance ticket costs approximately 500 rupees per person. Near the center there is a small souvenir shop. Perhaps this is a "mast visit" of this area.

Center Ayurveda "Bentota Ayurveda Center"

For those who do not know, Ayurveda is the traditional system of Indian medicine. This is not only treatment, but also the philosophical system. And it can be tested, for example, in the center of Bentota Ayurveda Center on Galle Road, a 20-minute drive from the center of Ahungalla to the north. This center may not be so chic as spa salons with typical five-star hotels, but in fact, to the quality of treatment, it does not at all (and not so bad, as you might think).

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The reception begins with the consultation of the doctor, as well as from his stories about the history and evolution of Ayurveda (if lucky, get to the brilliant doctor named Lacmal - this is a real luck!). And then a couple of clocks of direct treatment (as a rule, it is a massage, with oil, different techniques, etc.), after which, as a rule, a healthy dinner follows. Such treatment will definitely make you feel better. Yes, and the very place is also very relaxing, with a cozy green courtyard. Belly you can recommend this place in Ahungalla, especially if you want to experience real ayurvedic treatment for the first time!

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Water Sports Center "Sunshine Water Sports"

Again, you will have to go to Bentot, that is, 20 minutes to the north along the coast - but it is nonsense, right? But there you will be offered the following types of water sports and entertainment: windsurfing, surfing, water skiing, wakeboarding, bodyboarding, bananas, buns, hydrocycles, deep-sea fishing, river fishing, snorkeling, diving, river cruises. Pleasant staff, excellent coordinated work, inventory in good condition. The office itself may not be the most stylish, however, enthusiasm and love of sports, as well as safety standards overlap the first impression.

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"Daniel's Pub Ahungalla"

Well, there is no nightlife in Ahungalle. This is a very quiet, calm and peaceful place, obviously not for party members. Therefore, there are almost no clubs here. Is that, this small, one can say a provincial bar - and that it works hardly until the morning. It is located next to the five-star Heritance Ahungalla, aside from the road - it is quite easy to pass by, since it is not very noteworthy. Here you can drink cold beer and spend time in an excellent cozy place and an interesting design. There are cocktails here, however, they are honest, not very good. There are in the menu and various varieties of liquor (mainly local varieties), as well as some simple snacks. If you stayed in a coastal hotel in the Ahungalla region or Bentotes, then you should prepare for the fact that a small glass of beer stands in local restaurants nearly 500 rupees (which is 400 more than it should be, to be honest). Powders in this bar wallet will not break. At the same time, the service is just wonderful here, and the situation is pleasant. Bar workers are polite and pleasant.

Beach Ahhungalla

And yes, of course, beach holidays. Ahungalla Beach, faded with palm trees, with "silky sand" and with picturesque boulders in places, is very beautiful and, perhaps, meets all the standards of "paradise recreation". And also, the beach is extremely deserted, even in a high season, and no crowd of tourists do not happen. But here there are food peddles, which can sometimes be very annoying (but this is a common problem for Sri Lanka). Private hot hot beaches are basically clean.

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