What are the interesting places worth visiting in Palma de Majorca?


I can assure everyone who is first going to rest in Palma de Majorca, that you will not have to miss this resort, because the capital, the city of Palma, and himself, and the sharp Mallorca himself, are rich in interesting historical and natural places, which will certainly want to visit. And despite the relatively small dimensions, if you can put it, the number of attractions here is that even when a quick inspection, during the rest (of course, if it does not last three or four months), everything will not succeed. For this reason, I simply call the place that, in my opinion, can cause interest and describe in more detail some of them so that potential tourists have a general idea of ​​what to expect them from their visit.

I will probably begin with a castle of Baler, greatly blossoming on the hill and at his foot, along the coast, the picturesque town of Palma spread out.

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His construction began in 1300, by order of King Keeima second. Construction was charged with architect Perezlva. A stone was chosen as the basis of the material, and more precisely sandstone, which was released immediately at the foot of the hill, which significantly reduced the timing of its construction. Of course, according to the current standards eleven years (namely, the construction of its main part), quite a long period, but do not need to forget that in the fourteenth century, the main works had to be done manually. The shape of the citadel is quite interesting and is a circle with three attached towers in the form of a horseshoe. There is also one separate round-shaped tower, the highest, which is connected to the top tier of the main building bridge in the form of the arch.

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Its height is twenty-five meters. It is assumed that the architect of Perezlva and the artist Francisco Caballe, which is responsible for the interior, was used as an Irodion fortress, similar in its design and built in the twenties to our era, not long before the beginning of the reign of Tsar Herod.

For its more than seven century history, this fortress did not see much. Literally thirty-two years, in 1343, the castle was siege to Pedro fourth Aragon. The following year, Mallorca was attached to Aragon, and in the fortress contained the widow of the king king of the third with her sons and remaining in living supporters. After half a century, in 1394, the Aragon King Juan first was hiding here from the epidemic of the plague, which by that time raged on the continental part. In the seventeenth century with the appearance of artillery, some reconstructions were carried out, and later the century, the fortress began to use as a prison for political prisoners.

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For two centuries, there were no few famous personalities. In 1931, it was decided to create a museum on the territory of the castle, but after five years it began to use him again as a prison. The status of the museum he acquired only after forty years, in 1976. Today, exhibits related to the period of history from the first settlers of the island, Middle Ages and until the last century are presented. Various cultural and entertainment events are often held in the courtyard, as well as the festivals of classical music.

At the moment, the castle's visit is four euros, in principle, not such big money. Even if the exposition of the museum is not very impressed by the photos and the type of palm from the height of the fortress walls, you will not definitely leave you indifferent.

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Perhaps, without exaggeration, you can call the business card of the palm trees, and probably and all Majorca, Palm Cathedral of Santa Maria. The name of La Seu is also used. On the Balearic Islands, he is the main religious structure. The construction of this cathedral began with Khaime the first, in 1230, on the site there were a mosque earlier here and we can say that it continued until the twentieth century (having in view of decorative and restoration work).

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The building was originally created not only as a church, but also the tomb for the rulers of Majorca. At the moment, the remains of Jayim's second and khaima third are resting here. The design affects its size. The total length is almost one hundred and ten meters. Palm Cathedral is considered one of the largest gothic architectural structures in Southern Europe. Since construction and reconstruction continued such a fairly long period, then on the architecture of the building you can see traces of the influence of styles such as Renaissance, mannerism and baroque. A large organ of the cathedral was created in the eighteenth century Gabriel Thomas.

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Located La Seu on Plaza Almoina and is open to a visit daily from ten in the morning to five pm. For religion lovers, you can also advise visit to the Basilica of St. Francis, which is located a few blocks from the Cathedral at Plaza Sant Francesc. This is also an amazing beauty building, both outside and inside. Its building dates from the fourteenth century.

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From entertainment facilities you can call the Aquarium, located at C. Manuela de Los Herreros I Sora, 21. There are a large variety of marine inhabitants, and Extreme lovers have the opportunity to swim among the sharks. The cost of an adult ticket is twenty-four euros. The positive mass will be provided, despite, in principle, not a small value, especially at the current course of the ruble to the euro.

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In addition, there are several museums in the palm itself, which will not be visited without interest. About local beaches also do not have to talk, because they are one better than the other. On the streets of the city there are numerous cafes and restaurants where you can taste beautiful seafood dishes by drinking the amazing wines of Spanish winemakers.

To get acquainted with Palma de Majorco in more detail, you can use the car rental, which will reduce the time and increase the number of attractions visited. The cost is in the area of ​​fifty euros, for not bad small poly. And to meet the coast and admire this resort from the sea there is an opportunity for pleasure yacht. The choice is quite large and the cost depends on your desire.

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This is just that small part of which I wanted to tell and having visited here you will understand how much interesting is in this resort. I want to wish you a pleasant stay and unforgettable impressions.

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