Touch the beautiful ... Florence.


When you get to Florence, literally feel how the energy of this city overwhelms you. Ancient man-made beauty surrounds you everywhere. I speak not only about the historic center of the city. In each part of Florence, you can unexpectedly encounter antiquity. This or some old cute church, or a wonderful villa, or the remains of some centuries-old building.

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View this city and all of its sights are almost impossible for a couple of days. If you really plan to fully enjoy all the wonderful, then you need to come here at least a week. And that, I'm not sure that you can see everything. Only a visit to the Gallery Uphtica took me a whole day (from 8-00 to 18-00 without exaggeration). Well, even in this gallery there is a place to relax and you can eat. So this city can be returned again and again. You can always find something new and interesting.

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And now some practical advice:

1. Attending this city is better not as part of the tourist group a la "gallop in Europe". In Florence, it is necessary to walk slowly, stepwise, consider every street, every church, sit in the cafes and watch the surrounding fuss. Before your trip, do not be lazy and make a list of Florence places where you want to get. All this can be easily found on the Internet. It will save your time and legs.

2. Hotel Book not through an intermediary, but directly. This will be cheaper and less likely that it turns out a lining with settlement.

3. If you are limited by money, it is better not to snack in the historic center, but in blocks where ordinary inhabitants of Florence are serviced. Choose not restaurants, but pizzerias or cafes. In restaurants for the same food take a solid additional service fee. For the same reason, drinking coffee is better in bars, and not in the cafes.

4. If you need to the toilet, but do not want to pay 1-1.5 euros for this service, then go to the bar, order coffee for 2 euros and use the toilet of this institution. At the same time and enjoy a cup of coffee. Almost all the museums are free or cheaper than urban.

5. Water in drinking fountains. Therefore, do not throw away the small bottle, and fill them with water. It will give you a solid economy.

6. Be sure to buy a map with the designation of all attractions. Believe me - she will need her. Maps in all languages ​​are sold everywhere.

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7. Usually in museums, architectural monuments, cathedrals, etc. Cities There are no problems to get without a queue. But this does not concern the Uffic Gallery. To avoid a crowd of Chinese tourists, come here early in the morning (about 7-30 - 8-00). Then you can get freely there. Take a sandbroxy with you in this gallery (then thanks for me to say).

8. You can photograph everything and everywhere. Just be careful, in some museums are asked to turn off the flash. If you forget to do this, then you will remind you tactfully.

9. Who will revise all attractions in Florence, can easily visit Pisa or San Gimignano. It is very easy and not expensive thanks to the developed railway.

About Florence a lot to tell a lot. And in a short recall you do not describe all the nuances of the trip. But I will say from the bottom of my heart: "This place of our globe must be enjoyed." I plan to do it at least once again.

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