Berdyansk - cheap and beautiful


It so happened that the city in which I saw the sea for the first time in childhood, Berdyansk became. Probably, this can be explained by my love for him. This is an excellent opportunity to combine holidays on the yarn and cultural holiday. Better time for visiting, I think July, that is, the most season. My family and we are usually in the house, minutes 10 minutes from the sea, this time did not exceed.

Food prepared themselves, buying products in a local supermarket and in the market. I note that prices here are absolutely not resort, everything is rather cheap. Most of all conquered me a hot smoked fish from the local market. Such yummy I have not eaten a long time ago and what is sold in our supermarkets, not even closely.

We went to local cafes several times for rest, especially after the water park, when there was no strength to cook. Portions are usually quite large. On average, in our one visit, the cafe went about 80-100 hryvnia per person.

Of the minuses - water from under the tap is absolutely not drinking, salty and not particularly clean, so I had to buy water from the source.

Practically in the city center, near the embankment there is a port, the sea in that area is very dirty, so it is better to choose the beaches to swim away or go to the "braid" that we did. The port itself, unfortunately, will not be available, the territory is closed, but to admire with the huge ships, you can easily.

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Now about the beaches. In order to set up normally by the sea, you need to come at 6 am, otherwise you will lie at the exit. If the sea is still relatively clean, then the sand causes much to be desired. On the beaches in the city center there are a lot of cigarette and garbage. And the constant cries of local traders do not even give to relax. At the "spit" quieter, much quieter, and even cleaner. Also, there is a lifeguard.

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We spent most of the time on the beach, and when it was bung, walked around the city and went on excursions. Most liked the excursions to the House-Museum of Peter Schmidt and the Museum of Local Lore. Personally, I was there again 5 and when the next time I will be in Berdyansk, I still, I still, very beautiful there. Take a tour of the city stands, except if you want to get acquainted with the history of the city, but we preferred everything else to watch themselves.

I note that Berdyansk is a city that is famous for fish by a bull. It even has a small bidder where various canned food is prepared. Well, the most dried fish here is not surprised. On the waterfront, even a monument to the "bull-bread" is even installed.

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An equally interesting place for me was the local water park. We stayed there for several hours, but the next day returned again. Many slides and, important, clean water in the pools.

Separate attention deserves the embankment, especially at night. Still from afar, on the approach, you can see the "damn" wheel, which is particularly beautifully glowing at night. In addition to him, there are still many attractions on the embankment, however, mostly for children. Although, there is both adults. At the "Rodeo Show" we gladly ride the whole family.

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Along the embankment, simply a huge number of tables with souvenirs, ranging from magnets, ending with paintings. The temptations there are so much that it is almost impossible to buy anything.

Summing up, I will note that Berdyansk is best to go family. This city is well suitable for recreation with children. Although, and young people, and older people here, too, will not be bored. Personally, he, as in his childhood, liked, and in adulthood I love it no less.

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