Budva is cheap and ... pretty!


The most important thing for me at the seaside resort is clean sea and beautiful nature around. Budva is a place that fully satisfied my wishes. The town is very green, the air is very clean, it affects that there is not a single industrial enterprise nearby. Last time they settled at the hotel and paid 80 euros / day per person, this time decided that it was enough to overpay and settled to the apartment. Since we were driving 4 people, and we shot a two-room apartment for 70 euros / day and prepared themselves, we saved significantly.

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The city is very small, but we have found enough in it, what to see. Especially impressed by the Old Town and Archaeological Museum. The excursion we did not take them, visited themselves. In the old town, the feeling that I got into the city of 17-18 centuries, little streets, all in stone. Give modernity only air conditioners on houses and signs at stores.

In it you can see such wonderful hours.

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But from the excursions most liked the excursion on the Boca-Kotan Bay. They paid 30 euros per person and she lasted all day, but it was worth it. The guide led an excursion in Russian, which is very convenient.

To order a tour of the city itself meaninglessly, it can be bypassed, highlighting a few hours a day, five days, maximum. It is almost impossible to get lost in the city.

In Budva, many plants are very similar to our. I thought it was Rowan, but it turned out that this is a completely different plant, whose name I never remembered.

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Our rest could be called active in the full sense of the word. Almost every day we visited diving classes. Not tired of never. Personally, I would still swim and swam, if oxygen in the cylinder did not end. Fish is incredibly beautiful, all multicolored, I have not seen almost a single gray.

A couple of times for the trip we rode water bikes. The occupation is very interesting. What is especially noteworthy, here no one rides on the heads of people swimming in the sea. There are special places for skiing, beyond the borders of which is prohibited.

With which Budva is bad - in compliance with the rules of the road. Breaks terrible, so it is better to look after children very carefully. In the first holidays, we took renting bicycles to study the city to them, but refused this venture. You can, perhaps, only if you were born here and grew up, the rest is dangerous. Taxi drivers, like us, can easily notice a cyclist.

Also bad here with places to relax with a child. There are several parks in which you can walk, and attractions. Some restaurants are equipped with children's playgrounds for children. We did not find anything else for the child.

Now about the beaches. Most of them are covered by pebbles that for me - a lover of sand, it was not very comfortable formerly, but quickly get used to, and even begins to like. You can find sandy beaches, but they are further from the center. The sea is very clean, on the beaches, too, no garbage. We have always taken a snack on the beach in the form of water and fruit, because the price on the beach is overwhelmed at it.

What separately wants to stop - food. Several times we were chosen to local restaurants, in particular, to the restaurant "La Bocca", which serves simply amazing fish. The rest of the time they prepared themselves, which went out much cheaper, especially since the prices of products on the local market are quite acceptable.

Nightlife in Budva is very saturated. Many discos and bars that work all night. Unlike our discos, people aged 14 and to quite mature age are resting here. No one will surprise holidays in a nightclub of a man who is good for 40.

Summing up, I will say that Budva is one of the best cities in which I visited. No fuss, measured life, where you just forget about time and problems.

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