What should you expect from rest on Camala Beach?


After the most famous and crowded Beach of Phuket, Patong, a long wide beach of Camala will become for you a real sip of fresh air. Framed by picturesque kazuarian beach Ideal for swimming and recreation . Even in the rainy season there are people here - the truth is mostly local residents than tourists who are trying to surf on the strengthened waves.

Compared to other cities and towns of Phuket, Kamala is more like Small traditional Thai village . Of course, there is also a tourist infrastructure (where without it now), but you do not have to go far to find a secluded place to relax, where you could enjoy the genuine Thai food in a modest restaurant, where the locals are to a greater extent, And not tourists (and this is an indicator of high-quality and inexpensive meal).

What should you expect from rest on Camala Beach? 20989_1

Nevertheless, with a number of new resorts under construction and private apartments (and ambitious plans for future construction), Kamal, seems to be destined, in the end, lose its charm of a small town. But let's not talk about sad!

What should you expect from rest on Camala Beach? 20989_2

While the far north end of the beach remains relatively undeveloped to a greater extent due to the Muslim cemetery located there, the rocky modules south are already quenched half-built and built luxury villas. However, Rome Had (Beach Road) in the southern part offers a number of small hotels for 20-30 rooms for a tourist with a small or middle budget. However, squeeze B. Millionaire's Mile. (Mile Millionaires or Millionaire Street), 0De from the newest areas of the island with the most exclusive resorts and villas of rich and famous, very heavy the average citizen - here, by the way, have real estate in Madonna.

What should you expect from rest on Camala Beach? 20989_3

In any case, the southern part of the beach is a polite service, a rustic charm and a variety of restaurants and small bars along the road. Cheaper food and market kiosks can be found on the main road of Camala. The asphalt road passes along the entire Kamala beach, interrupting in the middle by the police station and a small park. At both ends of the beach, you can see cheap pensions and a pair of middle class resorts. The sandy path along the north section of Camala is popular among the runners, but also here they love to drive local residents who want to reduce the distance.

What should you expect from rest on Camala Beach? 20989_4

In the high tourist season, tourists can do on this beach not only by lazy folly under the sun, but also Windsurfing, water skiing, bananas, fishing and excursions to neighboring small islands - This is on a daily basis. But in the low season, all signs of "water activity" disappear - only the price-sheets attached to palm trees remain in the sun. However, it is not bad at all, and the rainy season in Thailand is not so terrible - just at this time there is still calmer and quieter.

What should you expect from rest on Camala Beach? 20989_5

What else do it go? Ride an elephant go to the market (On weekends there are two markets) to feel "real local" and try local dishes, and maybe something to buy for memory.

What should you expect from rest on Camala Beach? 20989_6

Visit Buddhist temple on the southern end of the beach or several local working Mosques In residential areas along the eastern side of the village.

What should you expect from rest on Camala Beach? 20989_7

Another attraction is associated with tragic events. The fact is that the beach of Camala was devastated by the Asian Tsunami 2004, and most of the budget hotels of the beach were, unfortunately, destroyed. In the city park erected monument In memory of those who died during a terrible natural catastrophe.

What should you expect from rest on Camala Beach? 20989_8

The recovery process in Kamary took place slower than in other areas of Phuket, but now it seems that this area has fully caught up with the rest of the island. It should be expected that landscapes in Kamal will change very much in the coming years. In the meantime, enjoy beauty and tranquility!

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