What should you expect from rest to Choeng Mon Beach?


Choeng Mons is located on the north coast of Samui Island, between the beaches of Chaweng and May, we, northeast of Samui airport. Snow white beaches are framed by a series of very picturesque bays. Despite the fact that the noisy and crowded Beach Chaweng is only 15 minutes away, and to the Big Buddha - about 5 minutes, Water in this part of the island clean and transparent - in terms of quality is better than in other areas of the island. Chowang Mon Beach is a small, but very beautiful bay with wide sandy beaches with low cliffs on one side and a couple of small islands opposite. It can be said that Choeng Mon Beach - Very Family Area And most hotels here are expensive or with prices above average (from three-star to five star), often with your own area of ​​the beach and full minced meat. There is practically no cheap accommodation here, so that there is nothing to do with backpackers.

Despite the proximity to the famous beaches, it is not so easy to get to Choeng - in the sense that Songtheva runs in this side not very often. Well, so, you can always go by taxi. And, accordingly, from your hotel to Choeng Mona. If you do not want to spend money on a taxi, it will be easier and cheaper to rent a car or a motorbike at the time of your stay on the island.

What should you expect from rest to Choeng Mon Beach? 20978_1

What to do in these parts? Swimming, whopping, diving (There are dive clubs) and other active views. Oh yes, excursions At the sights of the island, of course. In fact, Choweng Mons is very famous for its water sports. If you want to try something like this, you can go on Kayak to the island to Fan Noah, located near the shores of the beach. During the low tide to the island, you can walk and walk. If the active rest is not for you, then Choeng Mons will still fit perfect for Lazy "seal of rest" Moreover, nothing interesting happens next to the resort complexes. So, Choeng Hotels are more for tourists who want to avoid noise and parties taking place on most Samui beaches.

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Shopping in these edges so-so . Most likely, there will be small souvenir benches during hotels, but still, the nearest shopping areas are located on Chawenge and Mae to us (however, go nearby). With restaurants are doing better - Here you will find a few decent beach restaurants. But you should not expect anything "reliably Thai": local restaurants are more suggested by food and entertainment on Western tastes. This case can also go to neighboring beaches. Restaurants Choeng Mona, as a rule, more or less free, without a crowd of tourists, in some places living music, there are chairs and baffs for resting on the sand and gorgeous views of the bay (especially in the evenings).

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It is worth noting that Good comfortable resorts Chowang Mona attracts much more foreign tourists, mainly from Germany and France, which come across batch tours. And this is directly reflected in food and entertainment. Even if you find here Thai restaurant, food there will be not too spicker and acute.

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But, as it should be, there are dancers with traditional Thai dances in the bars, and numerous Philippine groups actively play in Bars Western pop hits. Thus, the nightlife in these parts can be said, "relaxed", and the best thing you can do is to drink a couple of cocktails in one of the beach restaurants and try to "run out" on the place of entertainment. Or go to neighboring beaches.

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