Food in Narathivat: Where to eat?


There are many restaurants in the province, and most focused, of course, in the area of ​​Narathivat. Since the province prevails the Muslim population, and restaurants here can more suggest Muslim cuisine dishes . However, there are several Chinese restaurants and grocery shops in the city. On the market, especially at the end of the day, you can try delicious Khao-Yam - Fragrant rice salad with coconut chips, grated dry shrimps and different herbs. In the language of Javi, this dish is called Nasi Kratau. (Nasi Krapau).

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Narathivat is also famous for its Fish clerars (Malayski: Krugach Ikan) and Budu. , fermented fish sauce, which can be straly or sweet.

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Restaurants and snack bars in the city of Narathivat - just on every corner. They are definitely more than more than Thai cafes, so if you are a fan curry, then you, of course, in the right place. The same who prefers to dinner with Western cuisine, will have a little bit in the area.

A restaurant "ROY HAN RESTAURANT" It is located on Wichet Chaiboon, just two steps away from the Narathiwat Hotel, and it can offer a bunch of curry to choose from, and here some particularly friendly staff. Behind the river nearby can be detected Nangkom Tong Restaurant "That's here we prepare Thai cuisine, and especially cool here towards the evening and in the evening. You can dine on the restaurant terrace overlooking the river or on a floating segment under the terrace, which is also interesting. Prices in this restaurant are quite reasonable, but good food - fried catfish in red Curry sauce just excellent! The best option in the city for cheap breakfast - Street trays in front of the market , On Phupackdee RD, where you can choose a noodle or a juicy fried chicken with yellow rice.

As in any other Asian city, in a narathivat, you can well dine on local market . Dishes variants vary a bit depending on the time of year, but, regardless of this, the dishes are excellent! There is an excellent choice and Thai, Muslim curry, noodles and dishes with rice, and on the northern tip, you can see trays with Thai sweets. The prices in the market are very low.

What about the restaurant "NAT PHOP YUNG THONG" Located in the area so Bai on Narathiwat-Takbai Street? Excellent fresh food at any time of the year. Ideal for lunch with family or friends - plenty of place in the restaurant!

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If you stay at the Grand Garden Hotel in Sungai-Chalk (the only normal hotel in these parts), then we will certainly bunch in the Chinese restaurant "UAN NA KUT TE" Located at the hotel (specially needed to go - in general, nothing special). In a restaurant "RIM NAM" In the city center (45/6 Narathiwat-Tak Bai Road) prepare dishes of Thai, Chinese and some European cuisine. Thai cuisine and seafood - in the restaurant "Mangkon Thong" on Phapha Phakdi Road, and Jojo Bakery At 75 Chaturong Ratsami Road perfectly suitable for family lunch.

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