While there are miracles.


Paris is my city, my city with all his parks, narrow streets, crazy tourists and unhurried Parisians. At first glance and sigh fell in love with him. Every year I try at least five days, but in Paris !!! Last fall was overlooked to the French Disneyland Son and saw the capital with completely different eyes. The eyes of a teenager who is more interesting to climb on the cannons exhibited in the Pantheon, which between the Louis and Concierges will choose, of course, concierge, look at the steep things in the car dealerships, with which we waited for an hour while on the parking lot in a private courtyard will enter the car, because the gate must be found in a special way.

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During this trip, our main goal was, of course, Disneyland. From these considerations, I chose the hotel in the suburb of one stop from this park, to be there early in the morning and have time, at least one time to ride all the rides. We flew by the airline Louroystrome, so they landed at Bow airport, this is a small town a hundred kilometers from Paris. In the capital of it you can get in several ways, everything is described in detail on the Internet. We chose the bus and after a half hours we are in Paris. The Rer got to the hotel, when settled, broke the key card (inadvertently) and since all rooms for two were busy, we were settled in the suite. The journey began with pleasant surprises.

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A little was drunk from the road, and went for a walk around the village sales and the shopping center "Europe". Of course, the son of course did, suffered and categorically refused to measure clothes, but the ice cream in the form of a rose, which is done immediately (6 euros) and a store with gadgets (you can test new games) scratched it "heavy" fate.

Early in the morning Disneyland was waiting for us. I want to immediately say that with the weather, we again just incredibly lucky. From morning it was cloudy, rained rained and apparently many decided to postpone visiting the park. And at 10 o'clock it was promoted, and we spent a wonderful day. There were no queues, they managed to inspect and drive around, and where I really liked it, rolled several times.

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I want to warn you right away. Be sure to read the information about the attractions in advance and buy a park card, since, for example, on a river in a cave, on the shores of which living dolls show scenes, we came across, by chance, and I liked it very much. Attractions on which you can be afraid at least five. On the most terrible we hit a little later. This is a pipe into space. On the way to landing you are surrounded by robots and a bunch of boards with warnings, like, if you want to do not go to this attraction, if you have a heart problem with this attraction, etc. In general, I came to landing in a fainting condition, ready for everything. Then they put us in the "train", starts to move slowly, at an angle of 45 degrees, stops for a few seconds and the walls of the pipe are opening here in which we are. I understand with horror that we are on the roof. Schedule seconds and start. Run us right into the sky. The speed is frantic, we are not clear where, the dead loops replace repeated scrolling around their axis, and suddenly all around the lights around the lights of space ships, stars and planets - we are already in space. We are happy, we immediately went to the second round .. in space we flew four times and in all photos that do during the attraction, I was closed.

I highly recommend the same for boys the zone zone "Land of Adventures". This is the world of pirates, Robinson Cruzo with a huge tree with a staircase, and Indiana Jones with an extreme slide.

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Now about purchases, souvenirs in Disneyland are sold unheard of quantity. I am practical girl, therefore bought a mug in the shape of a monster's head (13 euros) and a penalty of the son (25 euros). Circles from the cities where I visited, I collect, and before the penalty, it was impossible to resist, a lot of buttons, departments and useful things inside. Water and some minimum set of snacks take with you, but to eat meal, you will have to the cafe (expensive and queue). Just because there is no place to sit on the side and eat a sandwich, everything is just on the go.

Well, the completion of the day of the parade of the heroes of Disney and a festive salute. UV ... day ended.

P.S. The most valuable advice: dress comfortable shoes.

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