What should we expect from rest in Narathivat?


The capital of the province of the same name on the shore of the Siamese bay , on the east coast of the Malacca Peninsula, Narathivat, is located on the banks of the Bang Nara full-flow river, 1473 kilometers south of Bangkok and on the border with Malaysia. Narathivat - the place is extremely friendly and in his own very cute, with obvious rustic charm which has already disappeared from a number of other southern Thai provincial capitals. Although the main part of the city today is the ranks of typical concrete buildings (very boring), there are still areas with old pretty wooden buildings, mainly on the embankment.

Most travelers come to this town only for overnight stay, as many prefer to continue the trip to the north to larger and interesting cities, for example, in Khatyayi. However, there are tourists who are at all overlooking this province. Nevertheless, narathivat is very popular among cyclists who explore the southern part of Thailand on the bike and rest here before sending to the north or south.

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Those who still decided to stay in these parts for a couple of days, will be awarded an excellent South Thai hospitality and a delicious reception in numerous Muslim restaurants - Firm for a lifetime! Those who will remain here for a couple of days will definitely want to return - proven!

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The former name of Narathivat - Menara, which means "minaret" in Malay. The pre-sislastic name of the city and the province is unknown. For some time, the province was called Bang Nara in Thai, however, the name was changed to the narathivat by decree of the King of Rama VI in 1915. "Narathivat" comes from the phrase "Nara + Adhivāsa" on Sanskrit, which means "the residence of wise people" (in my opinion, very solid). Interestingly, on the maps released in Malaysia, this area is still called Menara.

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The province of Narathivat was constantly divided and transferred for its long and rich history: at first she was part of the semi-independent Malay Sultanate of Patani and submiredly gave tribute to the Thai kingdom of Sukhothai and the Siamese kingdom of Ayuttheia. After Ayutheyia collapsed safely in 1767, Sultanat Patani received complete independence. But during the reign of King Rama I, 18 years later, the province again passed under the control of Thais.

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In the early 1800s, the Sultanate was divided into 7 small kingdoms. A century later, Narathivat was under Siam (the kingdom is in Indochite), but Siam fell apart in 1932. Well, after all these experiences, serious armed conflicts began to happen in the province with the participation of radical Islamic organizations, speaking for the independence of the province of Narathivat (as well as the provinces of Yala and Pattani) from Thailand, and for the creation or an independent Islamic state (or at least for the entry provinces to Malaysia). However, as you can see, Narathivat is still Thailand!

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Unlike Central and Northern Thailand, in the narathivat, most of the population - Muslims (More precisely, 82% are Muslims and only 17% - Buddhists, and a little bit of all different). Almost 80% of the population speaks in the Language of the Yavi (dialect of the Malay language), but Thai also knows the same (if it helps you). Narathivat residents are very similar on the ethnic and cultural signs on the Malaysers of the Kelantan district, in Malaysia (about the same picture is observed in Pattani and Yal). Residents of Narathivat, mostly farmers and fishermen, are very small in the tourist business.

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But Narathivat - District with religious places of important historical significance And it is interesting! Take at least 300-year-old Mosque Wadi Al-Hussein or Buddha Thaxin Ming Monkla With a huge golden statue of the Buddha in the lotus position (17 meters wide and 24 meters in height).

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Yes, Buddhist temples in this province, of course, also have. And here there is a wonderful Buddhist Park Khao Kong And other sights (not so much, but there is).

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Conveniently what to get to Narathivat is quite simple. There is a valid the airport Serves Nok Airlines and Air Asia airlines flights. You can get there by bus, train, minibus, in the end, by car. In the city and the surroundings can be shaking on a rented bike - roads, in general, very well.

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And best of all, come to Narathivat then when it passes River Festival Bang Nara , That is, on Saturdays every week: Live music, walking people, many trays with food. Beach rest It is also possible here. The nearest beach is just a 20-minute walk, and there there are a lot of people on weekends - however, the beach is practically deserted on weekdays.

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Have fun here after sunset? Well, unlike most other Thai cities, here No bars and clubs In connection with mainly the Muslim population. Although there is a couple of karaoke bars. Nevertheless, alcohol can be purchased in most hotels and shops of the city. Well, have fun yourself, and what to do!

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What else problems may arise? Um, maybe, except, With housing . The Narathiwat Hotel is quite limited and poor, but for those who have not much money, the narathivat offers a real pearl, The Imperial Narathiwat Hotel . There are several other adequate medium-class options. Although tourists in these parts are not so much, so, most likely, the hotel you will book without problems (but better in advance).

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Thus, the province and the city of Narathivat - in general, a rather entertaining place for the visit. More suitable for active travelers who want to know not only brought tourist trails. For children, it is unlikely to be the best option. Newlyweds can find a share of romance in these wild beautiful places.

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