When is it better to relax in Sharm el-Sheikh?


Of course, the tourist season in Egypt all year round, so tourists constantly have in Sharm el-Sheikh. The hottest weather in Sharm in August. The average temperature does not fall below + 35s, and the sun rises to + 45c. The sea is also very warm, somewhere + 28-29c. Even at night in August is very hot, about 31c. But for some, this weather will seem too hot, even unbearable, plus it is high humidity, you can only sleep with air conditioning, very stuffy. In principle, approximately the same weather is in July. Therefore, the best on weather conditions for visiting Sharm el-Sheikh - June and September (during the day + 33-34c, at night- + 26c, water + 26-28c), as well as October (day about + 27-28s, at night - + 24c, water + 26C). These months are good to ride with kids, not windy, the sea is warm, no exhausting heat.

As for the winter months, then as lucky, as well as depends on what is hot in your concept. In winter, the temperature in the whole temperature is about + 25c, although it is often descended to +18 in the coldest periods. At night, it is noticeably cooler, about + 16-17C. Frequently sudden wind gusts that demolish all their paths.

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The precipitation in the winter months is not much, but there are rainy days.

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Although they are a little bit, in the whole winter it can walk rain once 5. The sea in winter is warm in December, but in January and February not all bathe all, the sea becomes noticeably cooler. But, again, on an amateur. In addition, there are always heated pools in hotels.

By the way, for local residents, winter is a catastrophic phenomenon. At that time, while Russian hardened tourists dissect in shorts, the Egyptians are rummaged in a coat and down jackets (Dada, down jackets!). These are not accustomed to the Hodged Egyptians!

As for the vouchers, it does not have time at times. The greatest number of tourists come to Christmas and New Year holidays.

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At this time, vouchers are jumping in price.

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Plus, almost all hotels require additional surcharge for New Year's and Christmas dinner, from 70 and 30 dollars, respectively. Also, tourists rushed into charm, as soon as excellent weather is located there, that is, from March to November tourists more than in the winter months. However, in July and August tourists a little less, since the weather is also good weather. Prices during these months are quite low, but the remainder months, so as not to scatter, travel agencies significantly raise prices for tours. Also, tourists love to travel by large parties during the school holidays. But there is always the opportunity to buy a tour at a very low price. Burning tours are advertised throughout the Internet. More often a great cheap ticket can be surrounded right a couple of days before departure. There are special sites where you can see very cheap tours, for example, for $ 100 for 4-5 days with the terms "All Inclusive". Yes, yes, it happens! Of course, prices depend on the hotel's star.

There is also one interesting proposal, called "Roulette" or "Fortune". In a nutshell, this is when you pay a certain amount and choose the star of the hotel, and on arrival you are settled in any hotel corresponding to the selected parameters. That is, before the arrival you do not know, in which hotel will live. This option is for those who do not care where to live, and who goes behind the tan and fun outside the hotel. Roulettes are an order of magnitude cheaper than ordinary options, so that you can save well. For example, a roulette for five-star hotels costs as much as a week of rest in a three-star hotel. It is reliable and safe, you will definitely not find yourself on the street. This option is hardly suitable for recreation with children, as it is not a fact that you will be found in the hotel with children's entertainment and animation. More often sewn along fortune in those hotels where you need to fill out places, and more often these hotels new and not promoted, or not too good. But, if you are optimistic, this option is for you!

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