Jerusalem - the capital of religions


Jerusalem is impossible to describe with some words. Here you just need to visit. The majesty and the power of this city conquers. Title and power. Feel yourself in Jerusalem, like God on the palm.

There are no entertainment, fun and other human fun. But in Jerusalem this is not necessary. Here come completely after another for peace.

Immediately I want to say Jerusalem city dear. Therefore, it is better to take care of housing and nutrition in advance. Excursions are not worth buying anything single, but immediately acquire a package of excursions.

Public transport is well developed in Jerusalem. Prices are more than acceptable. The visiting card of Jerusalem is the mosque dome of the rocks of her golden dome can be seen from any part of the city. The mosque is on top of Moria Mountain and has not been working for a long time, but is simply a heritage of culture.

But the strongest destination of Jerusalem is, of course, the Wall of Crying. Every day, thousands of people arrive here from all over the earth. People are invested between the walls of crying their leaves with requests, then pray or just silent.

For the Orthodox will be an interesting visit to the temple of the Holy Sepulcher. The acting Orthodox church. The place where the crucifier was crucified, and then Survised Jesus Christ.

Also in Jerusalem it is very interesting to visit the Mahane Yehuda market. On the market you can always buy cheap and fresh vegetables and fruits. Bargaining is appropriate. It is also worth looking for natural Israeli cosmetics.

Jerusalem is divided into two parts old and new city. Jerusalem is the place of pilgrimage of people from around the world Temple mountain and old town, which is fenced with stone walls. The old town consists of four parts for each of the 4 Muslim confessions, Jewish, Christian and Armenian. It is worth remembering what they say here in the bulk of Hebrew. Russian is rarely common. Especially among the indigenous population.

If there is free time, it is also necessary to visit the Museums of Jerusalem. There is among what to choose. Israel Museum, Museum of Nature, Scientific Museum of Bloomfield, Memorial Museum of Holocaust Poison Vashem, Rockefeller Museum ... And this is only a small part.

During Jerusalem walks, Muslim Quarters should be avoided. For European tourists, a walk on them can become dangerous.

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