What you need to know going to rest in opate?


What you need to know going to rest in opate? 20724_1

Opatiya is a premium resort. Less extremeness, fewer hazards, more indulgent looks of waiters when you enter the cafe only to drink coffee.

Higher personnel of most hotels and villas in Opatiiya freely uses the main tourist languages ​​of the region - English and German. In recent years, employees have emerged among them that can be explained in Russian, but so far such a very little and during settlement should be tailed to the international communication format.

Despite the mainly Anglo and German-speaking communication, hotel staff, restaurants and cafes will take into account all your wishes in a timely manner and will try to resolve all problems that have arisen. This especially contributes good tips in the amount of 5-7% of the account amount (especially in catering establishments). You will immediately become the desired and long-awaited client, since Namiy's holidaymakers are numerous citizens of Germany traditionally are famous for their relevant savings, which is especially related to the promotion of the service personnel.

Fullness of the resort with resting from the middle and higher layer of the middle class allows you to make the surrounding atmosphere as comfortable, calm and prudently as possible, but it should be forgotten that in every quiet and respectable place may be unrealized citizens who build their well-being at the expense of others. If you are not well enough to own languages, are not sure as the hotel, you consider an unreliable dealer of the search for real estate - you should not hope for good luck and continue to communicate or business relationships with such people or organizations. It is better to politely refuse the incomprehensible proposal, to avoid dubiously dating or a suspicious deal, than then regret the missing time, means or to provide explanations with local law enforcement agencies.

Also, do not forget that in any resort town, especially in the high season, on the beaches, in restaurants and cafes can act local kidnappers of money and documents of vacationers. In Opatii, the level of such offenses is relatively low, but this does not mean that it is completely there.

At the same time, if not to take into account individual criminal personalities, from the collision with which simple precautions will be removed, the attitude of local residents to tourists in the resort is traditionally friendly and friendly. Periodically arising in the media reports of dislike with Russian-speaking guests of various countries of Eastern and Southern Europe are old and brought by myth. Local residents and attendants always withstand the most even as possible and welcoming attitude to all guests, the exception, and even that - in a positive straight, is only meeting of guests on Villas and Premium class apratate. In any case, your worthy, polite and weathered behavior will not give anyone any opportunity to reproach you in any unacceptable deeds and abuses.

Find Wi-Fi is not a problem, because, unlike Russia, there are no laws that limit the exchange of information in Croatia. I got the impression that Vaifaened literally all the coast, and in most part places access to the network is possible without a password.

What you need to know going to rest in opate? 20724_2

Big plus Opatia - location at the crossroads of paths. For several hours you can get to Zagreb, and to Venice. True, if you are going somewhere from Opatia by car, add half an hour to pass the border: with the countries of Schengen, Hungary and Slovenia, here the boundaries are not transparent.

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