Gili Islands: Entertainment on vacation


Gili islands, first of all, are known 3 things: parties, diving and snorkeling. But in fact, it eats something to do and besides it. Go!

Diving and snorcling

This is a classic. And it is not surprising, because the underwater world of the islands is quite good, though he is not in good condition. Each of the islands have his own diving schools - most of all on Gilie Travgano. It is not necessary to study snorkeling, well, and the tube and flippers can be rented on every corner.

Hiking around the islands

Hiking around the islands can take 1-2 hours, no more. On the Gilie Travangan, the largest island of the archipelago, it is better to rent a bike (almost anywhere, including in hotels or guest houses. But the castle is better to bring with you, because it does not necessarily be issued with a bicycle, but to leave where "Along the horse" even half an hour is scary. Gili-Meno can be completely calm around and walk, and most of the roads pass along deserted idyllic beaches.

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From the island to the island

2 times a day, public boats go to two other islands. For example, at about 9:30 pm, the boat starts at Meno and Air, and returns back to Travangan in the afternoon. The fare ranges from 20,000 to 23,000 rupees (one way). You can buy tickets directly to the pier or in any travel agency on the islands (though it will have to pay more). You can also booked a private ship for about 190,000 rupees in one end and 350,000 rupees back. It is useful and convenient if you travel with a group from 10 people.

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Water sports

Very popular sport is Sapsorfing Also known as "Standup Paddleboarding" - you can safely row along the island. You can also rent Canoe / kayak For one or two people or to modernize a day trip to the islands about € 20. Also available Kaitsurfing or Wakeboarding . The main thing is to remember the strong currents, which sometimes happen in the Strait of Lombok.


Surfing is mainly engaged in the South-Eastern shores of Gilie-Travangana, as well as sometimes in Gilieno and Gili-Ayra. Nevertheless, more popular surfing sites can be found off the coast of Lombok.

Fishing and barbecue

On the islands you will certainly offer fishing tours, which includes and lunch from your catch. Fresh and tastier does not happen! Even underwater fishing is possible!

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Gilie-Travangan is the most suitable and most famous island for young people and parties. On Mondays ( Blue Marlin. ), environments ( Tir Na Nog. , known as the "Irish Pub") and Fridays ( Rudy's ) There are always large and very fun parties. However, you can not bother and not remember where and what day you need to go - just follow the crowd;). "SOUTH SEA NOMADS" It offers boat parties for $ 25 with a sunset and dinner. Yes on these islands even celebrate the famous party Full Moon Party ! Of course, not a scale like on the island of Ko Phangan in Thailand (so many people probably would not even fit on the travganag), but also well. On Gil-Eyre hang out smaller, but you can go to "Legend Bar".

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Live music

On the trawangans, do not look at the beautiful bar "SAMA-SAMA" Where evenings often serve local reggae groups. By the way, in the daytime there are excellent jam-seating, where you can, of course, can also take part. Listen to such musical improvisation can be, for example, in Sasak Island Cafe On Gili-Meno behind a bottle of cold beer Bintang. As a rule, playing music in the style of reggae, as otherwise! Fun guaranteed! This bar is located on the beach in the western part of the island - by the way, is a bit seen from Gilie-Trawangan.

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Gilie-Travangana observation deck

From the highest point of the island (however, it is only 30 meters above sea level, but still!) You can admire the magnificent view of other islands, as well as the Vulcan of Rindjani on Lombock and the Balinese volcano Agung. The hill is in the southern part of the island, and it is very suitable for admiring the sunset.

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Horse riding along the beach

Beautiful and very romantic rest, especially for families and marital couples. Particularly impressive at sunset. Ask at the office "Stud Horse Riding Adventures" or "Sunset Stables" on Travgano.

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Become a viewer Presana

"Pressean", as it is called in the language of Sasakov, these are traditional battles that are held between two randomly selected fighters, and in the course there are a stick and shield. The action is accompanied by the music of the so-called "Beleganjur". Even if sometimes it seems that battles are a bit of cruel (bloodshed is not excluded), the fighters are always friendly and leaving the battlefield in good mood, tangling and singing. Tournaments are always held on Sunday afternoon on the market.

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A walk to the movies

In the main beach of Gilie-Trawangan in the evening you will have the opportunity to watch movies in the open-air mini-cinema with the aspirations. A good alternative to parties, especially if you are with a hangover and you just want to sit quietly. Movies, of course, not in Russian (good in English).

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Beach restaurants

Most bars and restaurants are huge deputies with small tables, where you can not only eat, but also to half and relax, admiring the beautiful views. Prices for Western cuisine begins from 40,000 rupees, and at the local food, for example, Nasi Goreng, prices are much lower. And even less than an euro, in the island Varunga, you can buy fresh fruits or traditional snacks, like Satay or Bakwan kebabs (fried vegetables, we recommend!).

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Today, several companies offer yoga lessons or even whole yoga courses that last a few days and even weeks. For example, "The Yoga Place" on the trawangan.

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Ride on the Chidomo

A trip on one of the ubiquitous horse crews called "Chidomo" (along with bicycles is the only transport on the islands) - a small adventure. It is just like gondolas in Venice. And this is the need if your hotel is not around the corner from the main berth. And yes, as you should bargain for the fare!

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