How to get to Trawangan?


How to get to the island

As a rule, the calm sea - in the morning, so, the bulk of transport moves at this time. Closer to the evening, after noon, no boats may not be. During the southern winds, in July and August, the waves are quite strong, so, on the way to the island, you can die decently. Therefore, laptops, cameras and headphones in waterproof bags and packages.

With Lomboka

Daily ferries from Perama ( start from Senggiga, as a rule, at 8 am - to Gili-Trawanna you will get about 2 hours (the ticket is worth the RP 150000). Other firms also organize moving approximately for RP 75.000 (and in some Gasthauses you will find a ticket for 50,000 rupees), but most often these ferries go through the Bangsal ferry station. To save time, make sure that it is on a private boat, and not a public boat that collects people off the coast - in the latter case to catch a taxi to Bangsala will be cheaper even for two people.

Another option - speedbot or fast boat straight from the hotel (if he is on the shore, at least) from the Bay of Tell Nare, that south of Bangsala - this way will cut your nerves a hundred times, because you can avoid unpleasant experience in dealing with climbing in the port . In addition, there will be so many people on the boat - Comfort! The speedbot is usually intended for three passengers, on the way - until half an hour, however, the ticket is much more expensive, to RP 500,000. A trip to the north of Senggigi offers a wonderful panoramic view of coastal villages and resorts.

Public boats

The cheapest way to get to Gilie Travangan is a public boat that departs from Bangsal station from 8 am to 5 pm (but later than 4 pm - rarely). The official fare is 15,000 rupees (from August 1, 2015). Moreover, you will be asked for an additional 5,000 rupees as from a foreigner (Wisatawan Asing) and 2500 rupees as terminal fees. Sometimes these boats are sent only when passengers have typed enough, but, as a rule, 15 people are already enough. If the passengers are less, then you have to wait. The official maximum is 30 people, but sometimes boats are sent with much more passengers. For example, somehow the boat was lucky as 72 passengers. The experience of traveling on a public boat from Bangsala is unlikely to be called pleasant, especially because of the name in the port, which will try to drag you to their private boats for super-high rates. Do not listen to anyone. Buy tickets at the office of Koperasi Angkutan Laut Karya Bahari, inside the main building on the waterfront, on the left on the eastern corner. Office of sales tickets for public transport on Travgano is located on the beach north of the pier, next to the place where you will fall. Most likely, on the trasman will have to wait until 15-20 people are scored, so it is better to arrive at the station early in the morning (at 7-8 am), if you want to push as soon as possible. The last ship leaves the trawan in about 15:00.

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With Gili-Air and Gili-Meno

To move from one island to the other easier, it is easiest to sit on a public boat, the following from Bangsala. It is quite difficult to determine the real time of arrival of transport to these islands, therefore, just in case you can consider the Inter-Star Transfer Services of Island Hopping. Ferry operators sometimes come into informal agreements with passengers traveling between the islands. For example, the passenger sits in a boat, which is designed to directly follow the trawan from Bangsala, but they can land on one of the islands. Accordingly, at this moment you, being in Guili-Eyre, can take on board instead and get to Travgana. Prices are negotiated, but most likely they will have to pay around RP 15000 (autumn 2015). Schedule of public boats depends on time, weather, load, payment and crew mood - will want, they will fall out (after all, such requests, in fact, are not official).

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From Bali

The schedule of speedback from Bali depends on weather conditions, because the ride on the sheds of Lombok can be quite tense due to the waves, especially in July and August. Prices for travel include terrestrial transfer from the hotel to Bali. Twice deposit with operators. The presence of seasonal discounts and timetables.

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Sometimes you can safely save, booking a trip through the travel agent to Bali, and not when booking directly in a boat company. You can check availability of free places and discounts on the site or at - try searching for cheaper tickets. Prices vary from $ 52 to $ 75 in one direction, and from $ 98 to $ 150 per ticket back-back. Tickets for speedbots are usually 30% cheaper on GiliticketKets. Because of weather conditions, the flights are sometimes canceled, especially during the peak of the monsoon season, in January-February. If you have concerns about the vessel, operator or weather conditions, it is better to return the ticket and see alternative options. Nothing wrong.

How to move along the trawant

Well, on the island do not drive cars and a taxi. But you can rent Bicycles - The main routes of the island are quite good for ride. Rent of the Iron horse costs about 60000 rupees per day, and near RP 25000 for a couple of hours of lease. You can go around the whole island in a fast pace on a bike in an hour (after all, it's just over five kilometers - nothing for fans of cycling), however, in some places you have to jump off a bike and walk a little on foot, as it is impossible to go on the sand, and the road Good not everywhere.

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And another bike will become an ideal solution for studying the inner parts of the island, where not only beautiful species, and even settlements of local residents with their agricultural expansions with cows, chickens and goats: here you can stay away from the noise and gama of the eastern part of the island. And by tralygana you can move on foot - He's a tiny, and even bypass it will not be much difficult! However, if you come with heavy bags, you can whistle Chidomo (Horse-based wagon) is the perfect option to get from a boat station to the hotel. The short ride on the Chidomo will cost near RP 50,000, and the drivers in most cases expect their customers on the ferry station.

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