What should you expect from rest on Travgana?


Gilie-Travangan or Gili, as locals and frequent tourists call it - this is the largest of the three islands of Gili Archipelago, located northwest of the major island of Lombok. All three islands of Gili (in the language of Sasakov, the ethnic group on Lombok, "Gili" means "island") extremely photogenic, and each of them - with its own character and "their tourist" - in the case of Travgana, these are young people who are thirsty.

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Trawangan is really beautiful: These are infinite possibilities for gorgeous photos that can surprise friends and relatives. Beaches are covered with gentle white sand, and turquoise water - real idyll! The island, although the largest of the three, is really small: a little less than 2.5 kilometers, and in a wide place - only about 1.4 kilometers. The highest point of the island is 30 meters above sea level, so this is the highest of the three islands of the group. About 1,500 people live on the island, but over the years there is many times more tourists. The name "Travangan" comes from the Indonesian word "TEROWONGAN" ("Tunnel") - so he was named after the cave tunnel, built on the island during the Japanese occupation of World War II.

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Of all the three islands, Travangan is also the most developed and tourist-oriented. The main concentration of roads, hotels, restaurants and diving centers is located. on the eastern side of the island . It was fitted with everything that would be needed for a comfortable stay, and the local pub, Tîr Na Nôg lures people to the slogan that "Travangan is the smallest island in the world with an Irish pub." There is no natural water supply on the island, but there is probably 100 hotels or guest houses and 100 more restaurants and a cafe. Plus Internet cafes, shops, sports centers, well, and simple houses where local people live.

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On Gilie-Trawangan (however, in other archipelago islands) No motor vehicles . The main means of movement is bike and chidomo (small horse crew). In order to get to the island, local residents and tourists tend to use motorboats and boats.

Many locals today are involved in the sphere of tourism, but some of them are still engaged in fishing and farming, as and their ancestors who came from Sulawesi (however, the island is too small, so that agriculture or fish exports could become the main articles of the economy ). Well, and before the man's leg stepped on a tiny island, he was completely covered with dense forests in which deer lived. By the way, the island and still very green!

Here for this exotic and come to the island. And even for Admire underwater beauties . True, the corals are currently in a very deplorable state, but still, you will most likely see turtles and all sorts of fish. Also here you can do Surfing, Fishing or lazy "Flawing" on the beach "Isn't it for this in the end, we are going to hot countries (especially in the midst of winter)?" Well, the most sporting can even Bypass island around - Those who tried, say it can be done in just an hour! The trail, the envelope island, is pretty good, at least along most of the eastern coast, well, and the rest is dirt or sand (although you can also go). On the southern tip of the island, west of a large deserted platform, there is a staircase that leads to The highest point on the island . Although the hill is not so high, the species that will open from there are simply awesome, so, do not be lazy.

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Long hiking is not for you? Then you can hang. Nightlife island - this is a sea of ​​drinking and Drugs that are freely moving around the island. Therefore, almost inadequate tourists, chatting until the morning on the travganic - this is the norm.A couple of people about drugs: they can offer them repeatedly on the tras, several times a day. Offer, mainly hallucinogenic mushrooms, sometimes cocaine. The reputation of the "Drag Islands" Trawangan earned in the 1980s.

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The main thing is to remember that it does not matter, walking somewhere nearby local polismen or not - marijuana and cocaine are still absolutely illegal in Indonesia! In order to prevent the "expathere", on the beaches of the resorts, there are sometimes police officers under cover, so, um, it is better to refrain from purchases of any drug products on the travganic, so as not to get stuck in the site to the rest of the vacation. However, such cases are quite rare, so tourists feel quite calm in these issues. Meanwhile, Indonesian laws regarding drugs are extremely severe. Drug storage cares cruelly - up to the death penalty. Do you need it?

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Here's another: in recent years Alcoholic beverages of local production Delivered a lot of trouble with their guests - even lethal outcomes were! In particular, they are methanol, which local residents sometimes use as a cheaper way to replenish alcohol stocks. One of the last cases occurred on the eve of the new 2012, when a young man bought a cocktail in Rudy's Bar - it contained methanol. Due to the wrong diagnosis and untimely rendered assistance, the tourist died 5 days later. But we will not be about sad.

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Although no, here is the last sad news - Travangne ​​prices are high enough - Accommodation, food and drinks are all more expensive than in other areas of Lombok. Moreover, in a high season (from mid-June until the end of August): At this time, prices, to be honest, just discourage!

In short, whom to go to Gilie Travangan? Lonely tourists or partners. If you are traveling alone, then you will certainly and soon get acquainted with tourists from around the world. It is always interesting. If you want to hang out well, and do not mind to lay out more money, and then get over on a white sandy beach, then the island offers all the possibilities for this type of rest. And yes, the views on the island are still a miracle as good!

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For whom is the island not suitable? Well, probably, for families with children who value good sleep and deserted beaches - it is better to go to Gili-Meno to these tourists (though, however, there are several expensive resorts on the travganic, where you can accommodate with children, without fear ruined rest). The richer travelers who are accustomed to good service and comfort, and who do not want to stack the ears ear in the night, can choose to rest Gili-Air Island.

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