All roads lead to Rome...


A little nostalgia, Italy - the country of my dreams, in childhood, a relative that worked as Kok on the ship brought beautiful Venetian masks from Venice, right from that moment I fell in love with Italy. Rome was one of the main points of my visit to this magnificent country. Although it is said that Italy is dirty, but it was not before that, because each alley, every landmark caused me delight and unforgettable impressions, especially, it was my first train abroad.

I settled in a small hotel, a 20-minute drive from the center, but there I only spent the night, because in Rome there are a lot of attractions that I wanted to visit and see the sortie. The first point of my visit is of course a powerful and impressive Colosseum!

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You go out of the subway and here .. I ... right in front of you this giant, of course near the ticket office there was a lot, probably if they were built around, then you could surround the Colosseum completely. Next, I went to the Roman Forum, this place where to this day there are many columns since the time of the mighty Roman Empire.

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Here and to this day, during the summer holidays, archaeologists conduct excavations. I saw a monument to Wolchis, which feeds the founders of the eternal city - Romulu and Rem.

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Through the Capitol Hill descended to the Square of Venice, and then hit the Spanish Square. Square of Spain, a beautiful place where young people and tourists love to gather, sit on the steps or near the barkachcha fountain (in the form of a sinking boat). On the streets of Rome, you can wander the clock day, which will not be tedious, because you are so charging the energy of one of the most beautiful cities in the world.

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One of the following points in Rome was an equally famous Trevi Fountain. Recently, a lot of love movies are removed near this fountain. He is striking with his beauty, statues, figures as if alive. But here you need to be very careful! This is one of the criminal places, even here there is a lot of policemen, however, it is a favorite place of pockets.

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The most well-preserved structure in Rome is the Capitol, it will shock with its sizes, and the inner architecture is striking.

Having been in Rome, it was impossible not to visit the dwarf state - the Vatican. This is no less exciting place. It's not so easy to get here, before I got to the territory of the Vatican, I had to go a thorough check (just like at the airport). After the successful passage of "customs", you get into the other world.

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The Vatican Museum is simply stunning, many rooms, corridors, thousands of paintings and millions of sculptures. One point of the visit was the famous Sicastinskaya Capella, over which the famous architects and artists worked. On the walls and ceiling varnisions, it is possible to monitor episodes from the Bible, one side is feminine, and the other is men's. To see as much as possible in the Vatican, you should come as early as possible, here really have something to see.

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For a few days of stay in Rome, I saw a lot of beautiful places and historical buildings, but it was only a drop, from what you can see here. Rome remained forever in my heart!

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