What entertainment is on Redang?


Well, Redang cannot offer any attractions and beautiful architecture. This specifically a resort island with beautiful hotels and entertainment "Nature Plan". That's how to have fun on the island, read below.


Snorkeling - Entertainment number one on Redang. It is quite fair, because the coral reefs off the coast of the island are very impressive, and tourists from all over the area go here to admire these marine gardens. Many tours include snorcling excursions by boat to nearby islets, but there are some decent reefs at the nearest Pasir Penjang. One of the best places is located in the southern part next to Redang Reef Resorts - here you can see young sharks, so you need to swim extremely careful (but you need to be careful and because here is fine, and you can destroy corals that grow very slowly ).


Second place in popularity is diving. Water around the island is usually completely clean and transparent - although visibility can deteriorate sharply after the storm. In coastal waters, there is a number of sea creatures, including turtles and reef sharks. Redang is suitable for divers with any skills - both beginners, and professionals. And this place is popular for receiving certificates after the diving course. Each respected resort on the island can offer a private diving shop to the tourist, although it is certainly to look into the neighboring, separately standing, where prices are usually at times lower. Of the minuses of diving in these parts - a rather strong course in some places.So, the main dive centers of the island is:

- "CORAL REDANG DIVERS" (Pasir Panjang, with Coral Redang Island Resort). Very professional workers, excellent gear and costumes.

- "Redang Bay Divers" (Pasir Panjang, with Redang Bay Resort). The dive station itself is so-so, and will not compare with the one that in Coral, however, attentive and consistent personnel compensates for all technical disadvantages. Instructors work with Maui. Prices are approximately the same as in the coral.

- "Redang Pelangi Dive Center" (in Pasir Panjang). Contractitive prices, standard services and courses, as well as dive for beginners.

Walk along DNU

"SCUBA WALK" - a new form of water sports: in fact, you really walk through the sea bottom! It is very convenient for those who love the sea, but does not know how to swim or is afraid to dive. And so you can fully enjoy the underwater adventures, admire the corals and even feed the fish! Very unusual!

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Water sports

Beach volleyball and kayaking to a greater degree But water ski is prohibited in order to protect fragile corals from the destruction. Fishing in the marine park is not allowed, but still you can rent a fishing boat and wagged on Excursion with fishing About a couple of miles from the borders of the park. By the way, you can strengthen and make beautiful photos - rent approximately 30 ringgitis underwater chamber in Redang Pelangi.

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Of course, we are not talking about global brands or outlets with last year's collections. Nevertheless, we are on a very quiet island. But shopping is possible here! Trade opportunities for Redang are mainly limited to small shops in the resorts. One of the largest is open to 11 pm and it is located at the Redang Bay Resort: you can buy food and drinks, as well as clothes and souvenirs. Similar to a relatively large store are looking for a Redang Pelangi Resort, which works until midnight and offers a variety of snacks, drinks and industrial supplies, as well as a shop with unique souvenirs. By the way, often small souvenir benches that work close to such shops, but they do not depend on them, closed in Off-Sizen.

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Night life

An unusual way for Terenggang (state in which Redanga is included), alcohol can be purchased everywhere in stores, and resort restaurants (probably because most of the resorts of the island are managed by Chinese businessmen), although alcohol is not particularly cheap here. A can of beer, purchased in the store, costs 8 ringgitis, a bottle of cheap Malaysian vodka - from 15 ringgitis. At the same time, at least 100 ringgits (in the store, naturally, cheaper) will certainly take place at the wine restaurant. In general, nightlife on Redang is limited to resort bars shining lights, where the Chinese usually hang out that have their favorite songs in Karaoke. Therefore, many is the island seems boring - and in vain!

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Beach rest

Pulau Redang offers some of the best tropical beaches in Malaysia. The best sandy beaches of the island - on the east coast. And here are the most beautiful beaches of Redang:

-Coral Beach (Coral Beach) . An attractive white sand beach, clean water and coral reefs, located just a few meters from the coast. Beach Public beach and outdoor for tourists throughout the day. Here you can see a lot of divers and snorkels, since nearby a few centers of water sports, and there are suitable places here.

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- Taaras Beach (Taaras Beach) . This beach offers a much more relaxed atmosphere. The beach is private and is available only to those living at the hotel The Taaras Beach & Spa Resort 5 *. In addition to the center of water sports, there is a spa on the beach, so you can always relax even more.

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- Mutiara Beach (Mutiara Beach) . It is also a private beach at the resort of Mutiara Beach Resort with one of the most affordable prices on the island. On the beach, white sand and pretty clear water - you can relax without even a crowd of tourists. On the beach you can see a few small huts in the Malay style, which give this beach a typical "Asian taste". Mutiara Beach is definitely one of the best on the island.

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- Beach Teluk Dama (Teluk Dalam Beach) . This beach is not located where the whole tourist life of the island is digging, but on the north side of Redang. Types there are awesome! The beach is private and belongs to the hotel Berjaya Redang Resort. Sand white and soft, probably one of the best in Malaysia, and water is great for swimming. In coastal waters, there are not so many coral reefs, so snorkeling is a weak side of the beach, but in general, the place is just amazing!

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