What interesting places should be visited on Pangkore?


Well, we will be honest - not so many of the attractions are on Pangkor Island, despite the fact that the island is quite old. Over the years of its existence, he was the place of small fishing villages and the pellets of merchants, therefore there are no grand facilities from the past here, with the exception, perhaps, of one, Dutch fort. Yes, and the new facilities of the island also does not shine. The main city of the island is very small and represents literally one street alone, so that the galleries and museums here are also not yet. But do not worry: Pangkor is, maybe not the best place for cultural and educational recreation, however, a great place to unity with nature, sports and relaxed relaxation. But still consider what interesting places and which sights can be viewed on this small Malaysian Island and next to him.

Fishing villages Pangkora

On the east side of the island there are three fishing villages: Sungai Pinang Kechil, Sungai Bearen Pinang and Kampong Tell Kindel. In fact, they are a long lane of houses that stretch straight to the city of Pangkor, the main on the island. Although the villages are small, they are very interesting for visiting. Many of the houses are traditional, and some are built into the sea on the piles.

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What interesting places should be visited on Pangkore? 20651_2

Pangkor -Toon

The main city on Pangkor Island is located on the east coast. This is a small city - in fact, it is only one street in which a number of souvenir shops, seafood shops, cafes and restaurants can be seen. The best food can be found in street kiosks. And the best breakfasts, according to local and tourists, - in the restaurant opposite the fishing shop Kheng Hai Chuan.

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Dutch Port (Beland Cat)

In Tell Gudang, there is an old Dutch fort, built in 1670. At that time, he was one of the Dutch reference points against Pirates and Malayans. The fort was abandoned after the attack of local military, and it began to reconstruct him only in 1973. However, there are quite few of the past, only stone foundations and stairs. Do not expect anything incredible, and do not ask for a tour - everything is clear and so. A pretty place to walk at least because there is a fort on the seashore, and the types are awesome. Nearby there are several souvenir benches.

Temple Fu Lin Kong

This is a relatively new Taoist temple built at the foot of Pangkor's hill in the village of Sungai Pinang Besar. He is surprisingly big and pretty beautiful. On the hillside, you can see a pretty kindergarten and a miniature copy of the Chinese Great Wall up the stairs. Temple and garden in excellent condition, and here a lot of beautiful places where you can make cute photos. Next to the temple souvenir shops.

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What interesting places should be visited on Pangkore? 20651_5

Batu Bersurat

Ancient stone, also known as a tiger stone - a huge granite boulder, which is known for old inscriptions and engravings. In length, a stone is 10.7 meters, in width - 4.6 meters, in height - 4.3 m meters. For preservation around the massive "cobblestone" built a special pavilion. Batu Bersurat is close to the Dutch Fort. Engravings on the stone are depicting a picture of a tiger, which takes a child somewhere. Also on the stone you can see two round leaves and inscriptions "IF Carlo 1743" and "Voc". The inscription "VOC" is likely to relate to the times of the Dutch East India Company. There are several theories regarding this inscription. One of the most sinister states that Malayse and Bugis kidnapped and killed the Son of the Dutch Sanovnik in 1743 in retaliation for the cruel appeal of the Dutch with the locals. When the Dutch began to look for a baby, the locals were invented and told them the story that they, they say, saw the boy kidnapped the tiger. In honor of the deceased baby, Dutch soldiers engraved on the rock this inscription.

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What interesting places should be visited on Pangkore? 20651_7

Temple Kali Amman.

If you find yourself in the village of Sungai Pinang Kurchil, you must certainly visit this temple. This is the largest and only Indian temple on the island. It should be noted that this is one of the two Indian temples with access to the sea in Malaysia dedicated to the goddess of Kali. The second is on Penang Island. To the entrance to the temple leads a short staircase, which descends to the sea, where fans must clear themselves before entering the hall to worship.

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Marina Island

The only man created by the Human Island in Malaysia is the island of Marina, which is 2 kilometers from Pangkor and 400 meters from Peraka's coast. You can get to this island from the ferry station in about 10 minutes. On the island there is a chic hotel, as well as a pier for 80 yachts, the beach with opportunities for water sports and just good (not the most picturesque, unfortunately, while still) a walk space.

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