What is worth viewing in Izhevsk?


Izhevsk - This is the average city in the sizes in the Republic of Udmurtia. Of course, Izhevsk - the city is provincial, but firstly, it is far from small - about 700 thousand people live in the city, and Izhevsk agglomeration (Izhevsk and satellite cities) and at all reaches almost a million people, and secondly, he is enough Interesting for visiting. So, if fate somehow brought you to Izhevsk, I advise you to get acquainted with my article to understand what you can see.

First of all, I note that In Izhevsk there is a large number of museums With the help of which you can get acquainted both with the history of the city itself and with the history of the whole republic of Udmurtia.

So, let's begin.

National Museum of the Udmurt Republic

One of the largest and most significant museums in Izhevsk. He tells visitors about the history and nature of Udmurtia, as well as about those nations that lived in this territory. In addition, there you can get acquainted with the archaeology of the edge, ethnography, look at the vintage photos and books.

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The museum has both permanent expositions and temporary exhibitions. The permanent expositions include the following:

  • The history of the edge (until the XV century)
  • Udmurts (XVI - the beginning of the twentieth century)
  • Fair (Xih - the beginning of the twentieth century)
  • Industry and City (II Half XVIII - the beginning of the twentieth century)
  • Museum-Apartment G. Krasikovina

I would recommend a visit to this museum to everyone who is interested in the history of their country, as well as the various peoples who live (or lived) on its territory.

I am sure that the exhibits presented in the museum will be interested in children, especially since there are offered thematic escursions for different ages (of course, for an additional fee and when ordering in advance).

Helpful information

Address: Izhevsk, Ulitsa Kommunarov, House 287

Telephone: (3412) 52-64-77

Opening hours: From Tuesday to Sunday - from 10:00 to 18:00, on Thursday from 13:00 to 21:00

Monday - day off

Price about tickets:

  • Adults - a historic exposition - 100 rubles, the nature of Udmurtia - 150 rubles
  • foreigners - the same price
  • Students and pensioners - a historical exposition - 50 rubles, the nature of Udmurtia - 80 rubles
  • Schoolchildren - a historical exposition - 40 rubles, the nature of Udmurtia - 50 rubles
  • Children from 3 to 7 years old - a historic exposition - 30 rubles, the nature of Udmurtia - 40 rubles

Udmurt Republican Museum of Fine Arts

Another significant Izhevsk Museum is an art museum. It collected paintings, icons, drawings and other objects of fine art.

A special place is given to Udmurt artists and their works.

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I would recommend visiting the museum to those who are interested in painting and fine art, as it is a picture gallery. Those who do not like the paintings, there will be boring.

Helpful information

Address: Izhevsk, St. Kirova, 128

Working hours:

Tuesday-Wednesday - from 10 am to 18 pm, Thursday - from 10 am to 19:30, Friday - from 10 am to 18 pm, Saturday - from 10 am to 17:30

Sunday and Monday - weekends

For half an hour before closing at the box office, the sale of tickets is stopped, so come in advance.

Museum and exhibition complex of small arms named after M.T.Kalashnikov

Many probably know that Izhevsk is called the Armory of Russia. This is due to the fact that it was in Izhevsk that the famous Russian gunmaker lived and worked and worked, the creator of the world-famous automaton - Mikhail Kalashnikov.

The museum is relatively young, he is about 10 years old.

The museum collection was based on Mikhail Kalashnikov's personal belongings - photos, furniture, books, gifts, etc.

However, this museum collection is not limited - it presents various types of weapons - both combat and sports.

In addition, the museum tells about the other famous weapons of Izhevsk, which at different times lived and worked in this city.

Museum will be interested in those who are interested in weapons, gunsmiths, as well as the life of Mikhail Kalashnikov

Helpful information

Address: Izhevsk, Borodina Street, House 19

Opening hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday - from 11 am to 19, Thursday - from 11 am to 21.

Monday - day off

The first Thursday of each month is a sanitary day

Museum of Izhevsk

Not so long ago, the Museum appeared in the city, which is intended to introduce visitors with the history of the city of Izhevsk.

Izhevsk is investigated in the museum as a city-factory, it is described about its history, and assumptions are made regarding his future.

In the museum you will be able to see the objects of household citizens (various centuries are presented on the exposition), to get acquainted with urban planning documents, see photos, furniture and technique of the left era.

I note that the museum is very young and developing, in connection with this, the exhibition is small.

Helpful information

Address: Izhevsk, ul. Militia, House 4 (Entrance from the Summer Garden, passage through the leisure center)

Opening hours: from Tuesday to Saturday from 10 am to 19, on Sunday from 10 am to 17

Monday, Tuesday - Weekends

Exhibition Center Gallery

For those who are closer to modern culture, the exhibition center is working in Izhevsk, which collaborates with other museums, as well as with outstanding cultural and art figures - among them, such individuals like Zurab Tsereteli, Leonid Tishkov, the creative group "Mitki" and many others.

By the way, at the time of writing this article at the Exhibition Center Gallery you can visit:

  • Exhibition Nikas Safronova "Favorites"
  • Exhibition "Toy stories" (dedicated to the history of toys in the USSR)
  • Exhibition of illusions "The World inside out"


What is worth viewing in Izhevsk? 20641_3

Master classes are held in the center, for example, the painting of the matryoshki, the manufacture of the doll-twist, souvenirs of the facing and much more.

Helpful information

Address: Izhevsk, Street Karl Marx, 224a

Opening hours: From Monday to Friday from 10 am to 19, on Saturday and Sunday from 10 am to 18

Price about tickets: separately for each exhibition

Thus, as you can see for yourself, in Izhevsk there is something to do. Those who love museums and history will probably not be disappointed - because Museums in Izhevsk are enough. To the advantages of this city, I will attribute and the presence of museum programs for children - museum workers make everything to ensure that children it is interesting to inspect the exhibition and receive information in accordance with age.

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