Transport on the island of Tenerife


The most accessible types of transport on the island of Tenerife is bus "Guagua "I. tram which transports passengers to Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Still at this resort You can move on Taxi or on a rented car . To other islands of the Canary Archipelago from the port of Tenerife go Ferries.


Cool is called this type of transport - "Guagua". If you do not take into account the tram that runs along the capital of Santa Cruz, then the buses on Tenerife are the most convenient view of public transport. By bus you can get to any major "tourist" place of the island. Transport company "TITSA" Flights to the capital, to the airport, to the Tadeid volcano and all the sights of Tenerife.

At the bus station you can get free map of the island with traffic schedule . The minimum fare is 1.25 Euro . In the information office (referred to by the "I") lettering) issue shock location schemes. To feel the maximum "buzz" from using this type of transport, purchase yourself magnetic map "Bonavia "(Previously, this was called" Bono Bus ") and Save from thirty to fifty percent of the fare . What else to desire - you can travel around the island on a comfortable bus and in comparison with rates for a taxi - almost free. Travel cards traded on bus station and in retail outlets equipped with Bonavia green icons. Price - from fifteen to twenty five euros. The cost of travel can be calculated in advance - it allows you to make The official website of the company TITSA: . Choose your destination and get the cost in two versions - for those who drive along the transport card and for those who do not use it.

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To pay for travel with a magnetic card, use Validator Located next to the driver's seat, while you need to call the stop, which you are traveling, as well as the number of passengers. Then from your travel will write down a certain amount. Marks about all operations and remedies are applied to the opposite side of the Bonavia card. If the limit indicator does not allow to pay for the passage, then the residue is paid at a preferential rate. The card can be used to travel a few passengers. Large baggage is free. All transport stops at Art. "Estacion de Guaguas" (Las Americas).


At the brightly colored tram can be drunk through the city center of Santa Cruz to La Laguna. On the whole road goes about forty minutes. To be able to pay for the passage of this type of transport, you should purchase a magnetic map in advance (they can be bought in electronic automata installed at stops). Also suitable for payment and cards "Bonovia" I wrote about above.

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Taxi service

Local taxi drivers installed on machines not traditional and familiar to us "checkers", but the scoreboard with tariffs. Usually, Over a kilometer take one euro; When landing in a daytime, the day is paid 1.7 Euro, And in dark2,1 . I advise you to look at the counter in the cabin cars - It happens that the acting dachshund does not correspond to the one that is indicated on Masha In. Travel at night and for the city is more expensive. The chasters do not always know English, but it is usually not a hindrance for mutual understanding: the main thing is that you call the name of the hotel or another destination, and you will be taken away. Tips can give, or you can not - here this charity is not a mandatory "point" of communication. The car can be found on a special parking for a taxi or call from a hotel or restaurant.

Car rent

When preparing for the trip it would be nice to grab the rights with you - what if you will have a desire to explore the island of Tenerife yourself! In general, you can rent any type of transport - bike, motorcycle, jeep or even minibus. The advantages of independent movement - in excellent road surface, simple rules of traffic rules and relatively inexpensive fuels e. The most convenient option is to rent a car directly at the airport or in my hotel, however, there are not the most profitable offers. It is best to find a rolled office yourself - look for a signboard «RENT A CAR " On the island there are such firms that are aimed at servicing precisely Russian-speaking visitors. Among those such, for example - firm "Interventure SL.» .

Not to waste holidays, Book a car in advance - And she will wait for you upon arrival at the airport or hotel. You will not have to pay extra for the reservation, and time spend on something more pleasant than the search for the car. Payment is also needed in place when renting.

Ferries to other islands

With the help of the ferry, you can go with Tenerife to some nearby island. This method of movement is beneficial not only from a financial point of view, but also because there is no need to acquire a ticket in advance - just came to the ferry and sat down, free places there are all but. Another plus - you can carry your car. Everything is working here Four shipping companies I'll tell you now briefly about.

The coolest" and the speed of transportation, and the cost of tickets - the company-carrier "Fred Olsen Express", site FRED OLSEN EXPRESS is a trip to a large high-speed ferry. Departure comes from the port of Los Cristianos, transportation should Gomera, Herro and Palma resorts . Ferries at Gran Canaria depart from the capital of Santa Cruz. If you buy a ticket in advance, Do not forget to take a boarding pass at the checkout.

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The carrier "Garajonay Express" there is Two small ferry , Look more like a pleasure boat. This office has Three daily flights to "Los Cristianos - Homer" . A car does not work on such a ferry, however, "Garajonay Express" can order rental cars. This Office:

Shipping office "Acciona TrasMediterranea. »It does not have a regular schedule and in comparison with two described above Extremely unattractivebut. Works in directions Santa Cruz Palma and Santa Cruz Gran Canaria . More will suit those who want to get to the continental Spain. Website: http: //www.trasmediterranea.e.S..

The cheapest option - Use the services "Naviera Arma. s. " With this carrier can be saved to Gran Canaria, Lanzarote, Homer, Yerro, Fuerteventura and Palma . True, spend time on the road anymore. On the ferries "Naviera Armas" can be transported by cars. The official website of the carrier:

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