Is the huzier suitable for recreation with children?


Thoughtful parents know that not only the tropical sea air is good for the health of the whole family. Moreover, sometimes the "smoke of the Fatherland" is much more suitable for the growing body. Provided, of course, stored in the primacy of ecology. Therefore, a part of families with kids - even very small - with the onset of summer holidays, it is not sent to the south, but north. For example, to the legendary Baikal. At the same time, despite the rather rapid development of the tourism industry in these parts in recent years, settle the "family" composition better in more civilized places. Let's say, in the largest village on the uniquely populated island of the lake - in Khuzhir.

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The village today surprisingly combines the purely rural spirit with its wooden buildings on the beacade of the fields and quite modern living conditions . However, if you decide to take our children in this tour, it is worth considering the state of their health. The fact is that our native Siberia is distinguished by a sharp continental climate, which means that even in roast, dry summer night temperatures can go down to minus values ​​- except July-months . So, in addition to swimsuits and shorts, it is necessary to take warm things with you. In the extreme case, there is a municipal city hospital in the village, but it is better to do the case better to the campaign - to have a private home first aid kit in his arsenal.

With the settlement, everything is clear - the tour bazes, private hotels and even the option on the "accommodation with the family" principle will mean overnight stays in fragrant wooden rooms in the literal sense of the word among nature. With adolescent children, you can stay in tents - romance, however ... As for the little children, it is better to rent family rooms (and there are those in many places of huzhir) - completely well-maintained, with the possibility of installing additional bedrooms and the order of nanny services. Some have both playrooms inside buildings, and children's equipped areas on site, sometimes pools. Such, say, Mini-hotel "Baikal" or Guest House "Manor Daryan". Often you can meet the real terems with elegant wooden lace or rounded form of a bungalow type structure, and not just standard wooden-glass cottages. A number of private hotels offer an accompanying service, although you can use the shared kitchen for making food as a familiar family diet. However, as a rule, on the rest of Moms try to get rid of themselves from the grave labor "what to prepare today?", Therefore, the use of public dials - restaurants, cafe is quite acceptable. Moreover, food in them is mostly tasty, fresh and diverse. So much that there will be suitable meals even for the smallest - omelets, porridge, etc. The terraces with the tables of some restaurants go straight to the Baikal shores, so that you can combine pleasant with useful - good food with beautiful natural species. By the way, to say: the focus of cafes, shops and other benefits of civilization - it is in Khuzhir, in the other places of the island there are pretty tourbases or guest houses, but for something necessary will still have to go to Khuzhir.

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Housing and meals are definitely "Question No. 1", when you go on a long trip with a child. But the question of the distribution of free time is equally important. In the midst of the summer, do not visit the local beach - unforgivable oversight, of course. Although the lake water warms up not so quickly and not so "hot" like on the southern seas. But it is also not an option to spend the whole day. At least because Summer Siberia offers a wide variety of magnificent types of leisure: Sightseeing riding or quad, hiking around the surroundings, water routes, for example, to the healing source of Surheyt or the Islands Testament. You can also do fishing. And all this very well fits the family in full. And, of course, you will definitely visit the sights. At least the cliff Shamannu and the only Orthodox on the island of the temple - the main icon of the Virgin. By the way, next to the temple recently rebuilt the children's playground with a soft coating.

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