How to take yourself on vacation in Kuching?


Kuching is known for two things: his rich history and its gorgeous nature. Kuching is clearly not the most fun in terms of water parking bar places, but still, there is very very interesting. And history, and the nature of the cumulative can be learned without special costs and efforts: everything under the nose. True, two days will not be enough in order to know this charming town. About the museums and gallery of the Kuching can be found in another article, the same article on how actively and fun to spend time in these parts.


If you want to admire the virgin jungle Sarawak, then there is no better way to jump into the kayak and swim along all this beauty. True, such excursions are often expensive, but experience is stunning! At about 9 am you will be taken from the hotel and will take about 40 minutes to the start point. Then - 11-kilometer descent on a calm and wide river without thresholds. This is not a trip for those who crave acute sensations. From the beginning to the end, the trip takes about six hours, with a 45-minute stop for lunch in the village of four kilometers from the start. Well, on the way you will see huge old trees, mysterious fog and other "card" landscapes.

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Tracking by jungle

Well, not on the water - so on foot! Jungle Borneo is inexlaries: there is wet, there are hills, for which you have to climb - in short, an event for sports and enduring. You can, for example, take a three-day hike - but this is a real challenge to the jungle! In this case, you will have to take with you the marched, which would help to drag things. But then then you can pass through the most untouched thickets, overgrown with a fern - you feel like Indiana Jones.

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Bako National Park

Founded in 1957, the park is 37 km on the road from Kuching, ranking an area of ​​about 28 km², at the mouth of the Bako and Kuching rivers. This is one of the smallest, but also the most interesting parks of Sarawak: Forests, rivers, waterfalls - a variety of ecosystems, from rainforest to shrubs and, moreover, really beautiful beaches, to which you can get on the boat only or with the accompanying, which Hold through the jungle. True, water is often rather muddy, but but what rocks! Through the park runs sixteen pedestrian trail of different levels of complexity. There are two options: you can make a hike for a whole day - in this case there will be a lot of water plus food with you (restaurants are not on every corner)! You can also make two short walks with lunch in the park cafe.

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Semenggokh Reserve

This is one of the best places in the world, where you can watch the semi-sowed orangutans in their natural habitat. A long-distance ride can be made from a heap. 25 orangutans live in the center: 11 of them are orphans, and 14th descendants, born already in the reserve. Almost all animals independently mined food in the jungle, but some come to the headquarters of the park to enjoy bananas, coconuts and eggs. By the way, not necessarily monkeys will jump around you during a visit - maybe it is that animals will not even show the species, but from the end of November to February or March, the chances of seeing wild monkeys much higher. Semenghech reserve is much smaller (but also cheaper) than the more famous sepilock rehabilitation center in the state of Sabah.From 9 am to 10 am and from 3 pm to 4 pm, feeding occurs. This is the most interesting. For considerations of safety, visitors are asked to be at least 5 meters from Orangutans - animals can be unpredictable - and also advise you to look at backpacks, bottles with water and cameras, as Orangutans can snatch things in search of something tasty. In order not to annoy or annoy the animals, you should not show your finger or cane on them, shout or do sharp movements. Through the reserve runs two wonderful tracks: Masing Trail (the main trail; marked red, you can go in 30 minutes); And Brooke's Pool Trail (marked yellow-red). For 30 ringgitis per hour, you can order a private excursion at the local guide (in groups of up to 10 people). And last: nowhere in the park can not buy food (take everything with you).

Cultural village of Sarawaka

Famous as the "Living Museum" village is a real kaleidoscope of cultures and traditions of Sarawak. In this center there are seven copies of ethnic houses - Chinese, Malay, the house of the people Melanau, as well as the house of Ibanov and other local nationalities. Plus you will entertain the traditional dances of various ethnic tribes of the Sarawak in the Rustic Theater and feed in dinner. It is not necessary to buy an excursion to this village - it has a lot of money from local travel agencies. It is much easier to get on your own on a flight bus or even by taxi.

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Fabulous cave and wind cave

This is a really beautiful place that is ideal for those who love adventures and beautiful nature. There are caves only an hour from a kuching. The fabulous cave (Fairy Cave) is located approximately at the height of three floors, and it is quite simple to get into it. Sunlight streams open up to visitors amazing patterns of limestone formations on the walls, ceiling and half a grotto. Wind Cave is just a 10-minute drive from the first. You will find a dark tunnel, where bats and salangans (haircuts) dwell. In general, on a trip to the caves it is worth highlighting 5-6 hours, and capture with them more food and water.

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Mount Santuumbong

81-meter mountain Santouffong (Malayski: Gunung Santouffong) is approximately 35 km north of Kuching. The area around the mountain is announced by the National Park of the same name, and the entrance to the park will now be through the Gate of the Park Center. One-day ascent to the mountain is not for lazy tourists. The slope is quite steep, and in some places there will have to use the rope stairs, since there are slippery sections. In principle, you can climb in the pace at about 2, -3 hours, but in this case you will most likely be depleted by the time of descent (it is better to highlight about 4 hours and take breaks). On the slopes there are small waterfalls around which there is almost no people.

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