Where is best to stay in Novigrad?


In the city of Novigrad and its surroundings there are many hotels for the most diverse taste and price category.

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Main and medium hotels, accustomed to no more than a hundred numbers are focused on the most terrible center. Basically, they are in historical recently renovated buildings, which gives them a special charm but, often, can leave guests without a balcony in a room or without air conditioning, if the hosts are not installed a central ventilation system.

The size of the rooms may also depend on the construction of the hotel buildings. In Croatia, as in many European countries, the capital restructuring of historical buildings is not encouraged, even if redevelopment relates to interior. Most rooms in hotels and hostels will have such an area that the builders have been launched. However, all rooms will have high-quality repair and neat daily maintenance.

Otherwise, the quality of life and convenience of guests are not subject to doubts: water supply, heating early spring or late autumn, cleanliness of the territory, its safety in the evening - all this for urban hotels and Novigrad hostels is ordinary and familiar.

Guestrooms of urban hotels will not be affected and from the absence of beaches in a warm season of the year. The city features many places for swimming, most of them are located right on the approaches to the historic monument - the city wall of the 13th century. Descents to the sea in the city feature do not have bulk, pebble or sandy, beaches, but are always equipped with stairs or ramps, and for the safety of swimsters are fenced with enders or railings.

In addition, urban authorities pay great attention to sanitary amenities of guests. All beaches are equipped with freshwater souls, equipped with beyatuetails. Almost everywhere are stationary or portable cabins for dressing up.

The purity of the water does not differ at all in both the city and in its nearest surroundings. With the exception of a closed bay in the city center, she is a yacht parking, the entire urban coast is characterized by a clean, transparent azure water. Its quality indirectly confirms the abundance of all sorts of small maritime animals - from mussels (extremely sensitive to the purity of the aquatic environment) to rather large crabs and hermit cancer who perfectly feel close to numerous entertainment facilities, cafes and restaurants.

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If the accommodation conditions are for tourist priority, and the proximity of the historic center is not included in the main recreation plans, the best accommodation option is to rent a villa or apartments located 10-15 minutes of just walking (1-1.5 km) from the historic center of the city. In this case, vacationers can stay with all possible amenities in spacious modern facilities equipped with modern household and kitchen appliances, jacuzzi, satellite TV, high-speed Wi-Fi.

Most of the villas and appratimations are located on the first line along the coastal line, so their guests can enjoy both urban beaches and their own equipped beaches and descents at sea, located 10-15 meters from their home. In the nearest suburb of Novigrad, the quality and purity of water is even higher than in proximity to the historical center, no wonder many of the surrounding beaches are owners of famous "blue flags" from the Environmental Education Foundation.

In the event that the tourist prefers organized reservoir at the system of full pension Novigrad, several large hotel complexes of level 3 and 4 stars can offer. The most popular hotels in this class are the hotel. Maestral (4 stars) , Hotel Laguna Novigrad (3 stars) , Hotel Nautica (4 stars) . All of them are outside the city feature, about 25-35 minutes of unhightened walking (2-2.5 km) from the city center. In the photo you can see the territory of Laguna Novigrad.

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Large hotels in Novigrad are located, as a rule, adjacent to each other along the coastline. All hotels are absolutely open and not equipped with neither barriers nor guest control systems. If desired, especially in the low season, you can use infrastructure facilities both their own and neighboring complexes freely and without any payment. For example, for guests of the Laguna Novigrad's three-star hotel, use of small beaches and a luxury indinite pool with sea water from the 4-star Maestral Hotel. It also applies to visits to evening entertainment events.

The hotel's rooms are quite high quality, in hotels class 4 stars there are suites. Most rooms have a balcony, or a half-closed terrace if the number is located on the zero floor. However, at the end of the season, especially in the hotels of the level 3 stars, it is necessary to check the condition of plumbing, lighting devices, entrance and balcony doors, which during the summer months are shifted by a very large load and can function not at the proper level.

The kitchen of hotels is able to satisfy the requirements of the most diverse categories of guests. The most profitable, in my opinion, accommodation option - with half board, prepaid breakfasts and dinners. They are organized here on the principle of "buffet." Guests are provided with a huge variety of dishes, including for supporters of vegetarianism, separate nutrition, lovers of a healthy lifestyle. Dinners are accompanied by filing free alcoholic beverages: beer, white and red wine. But since these drinks are included in the price of dinner, they should not be seized with quality - no enotic delights of guests will be served, it will be just a good table ordinary wine or light beer. At the same time, in a more democratic "lagoon" in dinner, there is a completely lack of hot drinks: there is no tea or coffee, while there are cakes, which is rather strange.

Starting from lunch and until midnight, the hotel's guests can enjoy a local bar where you can drink a cup of tea or coffee, a glass of local wine of various fortresses and excerpts, any other drinks. In the bar of the Laguna Novigrad hotel from 20.00 local time you can listen to live music.

All hotels are equipped with fresh pools (Laguna Novigrad) or Sea (Maestral) water. Beach with hotels spacious, equipped and clean. Their composition varies from small pebbles to stony terraced descents, but there are no sand on the beaches or large stones. All beaches at hotels are equipped not only by stairs, but also ramps are necessarily equipped with railings. Special frog pools are fenced for children, which are directly poured with sea water, but do not allow children to get into open aquatic space. For the hottime of the year on the beaches there are umbrellas and sun beds.

If you need to get from the hotel to the city, but there is no desire to walk, Laguna Novigrad and Maestral guests can take advantage of the local transport - road train, which daily runs from the territory of the Maestral Hotel to the center of Novigrad daily. The cost of this trip is 10 kun.

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