New Year's Vienna - Imperial Beauty


I have long dreamed of visiting Europe for Christmas holidays. Therefore, I chose a journey purposefully. But as it turned out, I was mistaken with dates. When only the former Soviet Union of New Year's avgar, Europe is already beginning to enter into a working condition. The best time with the New Year atmosphere is November December, until December 23. Almost all christmas fairs ends on December 24 on Christmas Eve.

We arrived in Vienna on December 27 in the morning. And these days have already dismantled the fair near the town hall. But we were lucky and on the whole city a couple of fairs still worked. Near Hofburg in Mary-Teresia Square, and the Schonbrunn Palace. The fair is good atmosphere itself, various New Year's toys are sold, often Hand Maid, bright beautiful, but prices from 2-3 euros for a thing. Immediately sell products of Viennese glass winds, glasses, vases. You can try various tinctures, wine bottles. There are even pills insisted on poppy seeds!

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The center of Vienna is equipped very well, you can walk on foot and drive. What winter is again important. There is a scoreboard in the tram, everything is painted, the card is shown, it is difficult to get lost. One did not like it. The Vienna Metro rises at all as often as with us. Sometimes you have to wait and 15 minutes.

I really liked the exposition of the Palace of the Upper Belvedere and Hofburg. The architecture of the last impressive, from all the palaces he liked the most.

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Since they were in December, then with the weather, of course, not lucky a little. When we arrived began to snow, the temperature dropped to -8-10. Therefore they saved in the palaces, because It is impossible for a long time to walk in the cold. Saved Mulled wine. Very tasty, sold almost every corner on average from 3.5 to 5 euros per mug. Pledge for a mug of 2 euros. If you wish, you can buy it for memory.

Saint Stephen's Cathedral visited. Impressive, especially in the evening, such a flaming Gothic, straight Palace of Count Dracula. Very nice, the entrance to the Cathedral is free, and I climbed the look at 6 euros.

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If you decide to visit the Viennese cafe, then the best ribs in Vienna are served in Ribes! Huge portions, with potatoes and cabbage for 14 euros. But the place must be booked, and in advance. Developing more than 15 minutes and your table will go to others. The queue on the street with expectation of the table speaks for itself. I recommend to everyone!

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