What currency is it better to take with you in Sharm el-Sheikh?


Egypt's currency - Egyptian pounds are denoted as LE, and read as "Paund". There are bills of 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 LE.

What currency is it better to take with you in Sharm el-Sheikh? 2049_1

Excrying coin - Piastress, that is, 1 le = 100 piastra. There are 1 pound banknote, but recently it can be found very rarely, a 1 pound coin is used instead. Be careful with this pound: it is very similar to the 2 euro coin, many are confused, and even if you suddenly come from the euro, you can have and pass the pounds instead of the euro.

What currency is it better to take with you in Sharm el-Sheikh? 2049_2

In Egypt in the go as Egyptian pounds and dollars. In stores and merchants can also pay the euro and English pounds, but they are not very easy.

1 dollar = 6.8 pounds. It is often simply rounded to 7. and 1 le = 4.7 Russian rubles. I recommend changing dollars for pounds, so it will be saving. If a person with pounds in his arms, the trader will say one price, say, 30 pounds, then a person who has dollars in his arms, it rounds the price of goods up to $ 5. Also in many supermarkets only pounds take. And also, you can safely save on transport: travel on the local bus (they are also called "Blue Bass", a small blue bus type of our minibus) costs only 1 pound one end, and at night 3 pounds.

What currency is it better to take with you in Sharm el-Sheikh? 2049_3

By the way, do not be afraid to ride these buses, they are absolutely safe, comfortable enough, and drive with a difference of 7-10 minutes along the main road passing along Sharma.

What currency is it better to take with you in Sharm el-Sheikh? 2049_4

You can exchange dollars or euros for pounds right at the airport, however, most likely there will be a big queue.

What currency is it better to take with you in Sharm el-Sheikh? 2049_5

Do not worry, the course in exchanger and banks is the same.

Exchange currency in metropolitan centers (designated by "Exchange" sign), which can be found on Nama Bay (on the right side about not reaching the Dessole Cataract hotel, directly opposite this hotel across the road), as well as on Old Market, in Omit and Square Soho. In the exchange station, you will be issued a check, and do not be lazy to recalculate the amount received, although the exchangers are mainly not deceived. I do not advise you to exchange money at the reception or guides, and even more so, merchants are exchanged at the rate that is beneficial to them alone, which is more expensive. In the exchanger, you can change rubles for dollars, but this is all not officially - on the scoreboard, where exchange rates are indicated, there are no rubles, and the course is not very disadvantageous (1 $ = 35 rubles). The hotel workers are also unlikely to change you rubles. Therefore, I recommend to exchange money in advance in Russia in some kind of bank with a favorable course so that on arrival to exchange them for pounds.

Exchange points (at least on Nama Bay) work from 12 days to 2 nights. You can exchange money without a passport.

Of course, you can bring the entire amount of money on the card and then gradually remove from there. By the way, in a very small number of restaurants and supermarkets, you can use the card, so, prepare the best cache, so calmer. When removing the money, of course, you will be taken to you, be ready for it. ATMs are on Nama Bay, Soho, in the side and Old Market, in some hotels (on their territory, you can go to other tourists and change money), in general, there are many quite a lot, at least 15 pieces around the resort.

Maps are accepted, in general, everything.

What currency is it better to take with you in Sharm el-Sheikh? 2049_6

For remittances, there are points "Western Union", two branches on Nama Bay. You can only get money in the Tropicana Rosetta & Jasmine Club 4 * Hotel. In the second - in the center of Nama (you will see a signboard) - money can not only get, but also send. For the translation or receipt will be taken 10% of the amount sent. And, of course, you will need a passport.

By the way, I do not advise you to export with you pounds, in Russia it will be very difficult to exchange them later. I heard that in Moscow near some station there is an underground exchanger, but I did not find it, all passersby only shrugs shrug. In banks, you will not be accurately changed. A pair of firms change in St. Petersburg, but on the terrible course (get exactly two times less money). Therefore, be sure to check before departure, whether a couple of hundred pounds were in a pocket. Well, of course, if you do not want to leave them for memory. Another time: Change pounds on dollars before departure in the exchanger: When I flew at the last time at the airport, I refused to exchange operations, and they said that they only change dollars for pounds, and nothing on the contrary. You can change the airport store, if you agree well, exchange, let's say, 8-9 pounds per dollar, too, are not bad.

Avenue: From the country it is impossible to export a national currency. But I, for example, was taken out, it went out, and no one checked me. Be careful!

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