Rest in Piragas: Prices


In Slovenian Pirane, I visited the last few September 2015. The season stayed behind, sightseeing groups in the city was very little and, I suppose if in the summer and there was a seasonal price increase, it should have ended to my arrival.

Cafes and other ways to get food

Prices in Pirana Cafe are rather modest relative to such major centers as Vienna or Venice. Tea and espresso stand from one to two euros, the cupcake can be ordered at a price of up to three euros, very decent portions of the main dishes can cost about ten euros. A strong second breakfast or light dinner for two drinks will cost no more than twenty-five euros. By the way, wine and tea are not much different. To leave far from the sea in the depths of the city in search of a cheaper restaurant meaningless: "Three widows" on the embankment offer about the same range as "Verdi", hidden in an unimaginable alley.

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In the depths of the Old Town there is a farmer market - perhaps this is the easiest way to get in the historical center of this wonderful place. Ordinary products that need further preparation: a real supermarket on the local narrow streets not found. I will not specify the prices, because you do not rewrite everything, but I note that the range is still quite meager. In several rows of the market, vegetables and fruits are placed, as probably local (onions, grapes, fish), and guaranteed imported (bananas, bachcheva).


The most interesting Piran souvenirs are hiding in benches in the depths of the city. For example, the Museum-shop of the carved soap. There are the cheapest figures worth five euros, then prices go into infinity. On the central square, Tartini Square, in the house called "Venetian" there is a cosmetics store based on Slovenian salt and salted food additives. Look at this beautiful mansion, here on the first floor and the store is located. You can buy a beautifully sparkled souvenir here, putting at ten euros.

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Finally, I will note that in the piran outside the season there is practically nothing to spend. There is a museum network, uniting several museum locations - a very rich sea museum, a house where the composer Giuseppe Tortini was born, etc. Day ticket for one adult in all the locations of the pirane costs 4.5 euros. Separate museum users can be examined on average for 2.5 euros. Sea walks practically do not suggest: probably because there is a rather stormy seaside. As for living, the hotel level 3-4 stars in September cost about 80 - 150 euros per day.

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