Tips for those who are going to Sharm el-Sheikh


Of course, during your rest you will not allow you to behave, as I want, but you need to know the borders. Drinking on the street, in principle, it is not prohibited, but it is not desirable: better go to the bar or hookah (Shisha-bar), and drink on health.

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You can smoke anywhere. I do not remember any restaurant or cafe, where it would be forbidden. In hotels, you can also smoke, sometimes it is not allowed to smoke indoors, for example, at the reception, but this is a rare exception. There are urns on the streets, and in hotels everywhere ashtrays. Although the culture of purity in Egypt is not particularly developed - frequent rubbish throw away, and you can see the garbage mountains right in the middle of the city. But the main streets are still cleaned. On the beach, it is also allowed to smoke, on all tables in umbrellas there are ashtics, but still tourists often grow into a sad fact.

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By the way, the cigarettes are not very cheap. The minimum price is 3 dollars and higher. So, you can bring your favorite cigarettes with you.

I would like to note that if something is not satisfied with anything, it is better to understand everything calmly. If at the hotel, your cries are listened to cold-blooded, a quarrel can break out on the street. Before the fight, it is unlikely to come, but Arabs - an extremely quick-tempered people, go out of themselves instantly, they do not see anything in a rage, although these flashes of anger ends as suddenly as they started. So, if you after you, someone shouted something unpleasant (the Arabs often do not even understand the meaning of the words, which they taught them other Russian tourists for the joke), just pass by, the disassembly will not lead to anything. By the way, if you also taught you as an employee of the hotel, for a joke, for the sake of God, do not use the shuffle words on the street to unfamiliar people. You can deeply insult an unfamiliar person.

It is not worth violating the rules of hotels for the sake of stubbornness: if it is forbidden to enter the restaurant in a bathing suit, please, take a T-shirt to avoid unnecessary proceedings, and you do not prove anything. But what it is worth proving - its right thing in an important case: For example, if you put an extra allegedly drinking a bottle into the room on the room, do not silent. Chitrygi try to carve money with little deception, or an error occurred, which should not be silent.

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If you have rowed money, raise the alarm. On my experience, I saw many cases of theft, most of which they simply did not solve. Cleaners whose salary ranges from 50 to 80 dollars a month, sin to pull a couple of dozen dollars from your cache. More often steal a little to not be noticeable, a couple of dollars, for example. In the hotels of three or four stars, thefts occur more often. They can paint money even from the safe, but you will not prove anything. You will calmly indicate that you strolled them or lost, and are trying to get rich at the expense of the hotel. For loyalty, there will be an inspection of the room and try to ask for your cleaner, which, of course, "is not guilty of anything," but in most cases such questions are written in the air. There is an option, more secure - keep money in a safe at the reception, just definitely point on the form how much money you took from the safe and when that there were no extra questions.

Where to hide money in the room, if not in safe? Controversial question. But the place should be extremely original so that the vorays do not have enough mind to look there. By the way, I also remember a couple of cases when tourists raised the scandal about lost money, but it turned out that they were just spent. If you decide everywhere to carry money with you, I recommend to trust your things with some proven people if you go swimming. Of course, everyone will notice if someone from the staff starts to dig in your bag and raise anxiety, but still it does not hurt to progress.

If you want to call home, the call will cost according to the tariff plan of your cellular company. Definitely, it is not cheap. You can buy a local SIM card. Basically, everyone uses cellular companies Vodafon, Mobinil and Etisalat. SIM card stores can be found on Nama Bay (in front of the Dessole Cataract Resort), there is an excellent Etisalat center without reaching Naama Bay, opposite the "Ray Nonstop" club, in the old market, in Il Mercato, and you can also purchase Sims Sellers stores at the hotel.

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At the guides do not take, the price will turn down only. Simkart usually costs 15 Egyptian pounds. Plus will need to put on the account as you please. Replenish then cards. You can buy a card on 10, 15, 20, 50, 100 pounds - erase the protective film and enter the code! Sell ​​sims often even without a passport, but take just in case. Call Russia will cost about 10 rubles per minute, if I'm not mistaken, SMS is about 5 rubles. To make a mobile phone from Russia to a mobile phone in Egypt with a local SIM card, type +20 and then the subscriber number. Call from a city phone from Russia to a mobile phone in Egypt: 8-10-20 (mobile phone number of the subscriber with a local SIM card).

As for the Internet, Wi-Fi is almost every hotel, but it is more often paid. In some hotels, "a slightly Internet" is given as a promotion, well, and then you have to pay. It costs access everywhere in different ways, sometimes up to $ 25 per day. But there are places where you can sit on freebie, for example, many hookah, where you buy a hookah for $ 1, and you tell you a password from Wi-Fi. True, the speed there is not the best, but also nothing. There is an Internet cafe opposite "Ray Nonstop" across the road in the shopping center, half an hour can be sitting on the dollar.

You can also buy a flash drive-modem. Many praise Etisalat, as well as I heard a lot of flight reviews about Mobinil. The modem costs 100 pounds, Simka for Ineta 15 pounds, plus you put on the account by choosing a certain tariff: 50 pounds for 500 MB, 150 pounds for 6 gigabytes of traffic, 250 per 10 GB. If you "sat down" all traffic, then the Internet works, but catastrophically slow. We will have to replenish.

And why do you need on vacation internet and phone when such beauty around !!!

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