Why should you go to Palma de Majorca?


Just a song ... it is about Palma de Mallorca or simply a palm tree. It's not nothing in vain in the song, they say, "Let you dream of Palma de Mallorca" - she really clarifies benevolent, pleasant dreams ... Part of Spain, which seems to soar between the restrained ceremony European part of the mainland and burning Africa in the heart of the favorite tourists Mediterranean Sea. What could be more suitable for happy vacation?

Why should you go to Palma de Majorca? 20446_1

Probably would have enough even one: say that The bay with the same name as the resort, and the part-time and the capital of the largest island in the archipelago - Mallorca, is one of the most beautiful in the world. But the charms of palm trees do not end. Such resort names like Ibiza or Menorca on a hearing, but it is only composite parts of the whole archipelago, and Palma, as they say, elder sister. The shores of the Bay of Palma de Majorca are the most, perhaps, in demand: It is in the local port that a huge number of cruise liners accumulates, the longest beach with a comfortable pedestrian promenade on the whole island is also here. Probably, No sport of the super-star show business, sports and generally known personals (among which, by the way, and members of the royal "surname") settled here thoroughly, to acquire their own villas . As usual to say: they choose the best. It is worth following their example and, if not to acquire housing in this bay, at least to hold serene vacation days. The serenity will also give crystal-clear water, and the true magic of local nature - from palm and pine alley to cozy secluded bays, and, of course, one of the decisive tourist factors is the beautiful beaches of sugar and white sand. And, of course, everything that accompanies these places of comfortable pastime: amusement parks, casino, restaurants (both national and European cuisines), tennis courts, mini-golf courses, etc. One of the large "pluses" of this resort is That, thanks to a very long coastline, you can choose the beach or even more accurate will be to say the corner of mood, heart leaning or health status. There are beaches extensive and crowded, and there are miniature, limited to the edge of cove or the fill. But, as they say, not the beach one ...

Why should you go to Palma de Majorca? 20446_2

Those who are not accustomed only to locate the sides, covering the velvet tan, it is worth advising both walking along the streets and squares of palm trees, and a bus tour - also convenient to cover the whole city in less time. What to watch? For all! Well-preserved medieval architecture - with bright patterns of gothic directions, textured Spanish patio courtyards, grandiose memorable facilities for the previous centuries - All accommodated Palma de Mallorca. And it is unlikely that your tour will be complete without visiting the exclusive world-bream-based sightseeing - the cathedral, erected directly on the coast, or inspect the intriguing round lock - belver. And if you say something like the names like Frederick Chopin and Georges Sand, you can take a walk to the former Montuy Monastery, since it is in him the most romantic composer and a legendary woman writer spent the whole year. The monastery is very close to the resort.

To visit Spain and not to acquire national souvenirs, or even quite functional things - an unforgivable missk. And taken from here there is something: an elegant embroidery, the famous local pearls, ceramics with hand painted, a wide variety of items made of palm leaves, and even handmade shoes - sandals. Lovers (or more precisely lover) shopping will accurately get a lot of pleasure, hitting one of the three "shopping" streets, for example, Sindicato.

Why should you go to Palma de Majorca? 20446_3

Perhaps it is better to chopin about Palma de Mallorca and you will not say: "Life is amazing here." In his stay on the Spanish coast, the famous composer drank "turquoise sky, blue by sea and emerald mountains", pleases that everything in Palma remains as beautiful.

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