What is interesting to see in Taipei?


Regardless of the purpose of visiting Taipei, tourists must certainly highlight a little time for acquaintance with these architectural monuments and interesting corners. Moreover, the sights should be limited to a campaign to the National Palace Museum and the rise in the top of the famous skyscraper Taipei 101. After all, in the "provincial" capital there is still at least a dozen places that travelers can interest.

Presidential Palace in Taipei - Official residence of the sixth president of the Republic of China and the symbol of the colonial oppression of Taiwan. This multigid structure was erected in the period of Japanese occupation and initially served as headquarters for Japanese governor-general. Currently, the palace, despite its highly status destination is open for tourists and guests of the city. True, it is not possible to get inside any time. Order a tour of the presidential palace must be at least three days. Make it can be directly on the official site of the sights. By the way, it is also possible to get acquainted with the schedule of days, entirely open for visits - from 8 am to 4 pm. On such days, tourists are admitted to the residence after presenting an identity card and security monitoring. During the rest, the inspection of the palace is possible exclusively as part of an organized group and from 9:00 to 12:00. And also, no more than 600 people visit this attraction for the day. Such are the local rules.

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Visiting President travelers will be able to get acquainted with his small fleet, which is usually parked almost immediately at the entrance to the palace territory. Further before visitors will face the eleven-story tower hanging over it. Once inside the palace, tourists will be able to assess the elegant interior design and innumerable many colors placed in the halls, corridors. At the same time, in almost all halls open to visit, some exposure is set.

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Of course, in the presidential residence there are halls and corridors closing for tourists. They are guarded by silent security officers. Afterviewing all the pervolored premises of the palace, you can go into the courtyard and there already near the pond with fish koi to discuss everything that seen for a cup of coffee. Perhaps the presidential palace and will not cause huge delight among tourists. But you agree, it is stupid to refuse to be visiting the ruler of the country, even if it is strangers.

  • Find the presidential palace in Taipei is very simple. It is located within walking distance from Hospital Station and Ximen Station Metro Station near the National Museum. Also here can be reached by city bus number 35, 656. For visitors the third door of the palace, overlooking Chongqing Souz Road, 122. Visiting the sights is free. During the excursion you can take pictures. But video filming is prohibited.

Memorial hall of Chan Kaishi - Another government monument and the rest of Taipei's attraction. After inspecting the famous Taiwanese tower, tourists are usually directed towards Hinui Road, where they expect a large square with a whole complex of Chinese style buildings. This is the famous memorial erected in honor of the former President Taiwan Chan Kaisha. The construction of the memorial hall took four years, and was completed in 1980. In addition to the main building, an arched gate includes an arched gate, an area, a national concert hall and a national theater.

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The Memorial Building itself is made in the colors of the Taiwanese flag - snow-white walls, a blue octagonal roof and flowerbeds with red colors around. Moreover, the roof shape is also symbolic. The number of eight of the Thawans is associated with good luck and sufficiency. However, all elements of this complex are designed with a certain subtext. So, two stairs located on the left and right from the main entrance to the hall I have 89 steps. That was the age of Generalissimus Chan Kaisha at the time of his death.

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Raising one of the stairs, tourists find themselves in the lobby with a bronze figure of the leader. At a certain time, here you can watch the process of changing the honorary guard. After that, you can walk through the territory of the complex, to make several memorable frames and on the occasion of visiting some of the exhibitions often suitable on the square.

  • Getting to the memorial hall of Chan Kaisha is the easiest way to subway, while sitting in the station of the same name. The entrance to this sight of Taipei is free. You can walk around the square at any time of the day. But to get inside the memorial hall will turn out from 9:00 to 18:00.

Temple of Lunshan or the temple of the Dragon Mountain - One of the most visited attractions of Taipei with ambiguous reviews to its address from tourists. Some travelers argue that the temple is not remarkable not stand out. I liked him very much.

This temple considers one of the oldest in Taipei. Initially, it was built back in 1738. After that, the Taoist temple was repeated several times, expanded until in 1945 was destroyed as a result of the city bombing. Only ruins remained from the building. The sole surviving element was the statue of the Goddess of Mercy Guanin. Moreover, it was she always considered the patron of Taipei. In just a few months, local residents were able to collect a sufficient amount for the restoration of the temple. And since then its doors are open to believers and simple travelers.

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Inside the Temple of Lunshan there are three halls with Buddhist, Daiaist and Confucian deities, each of which is open to tourists. The rich decoration of the temple and the set of figures, the images of the dragon produce an impression. Next to the entrance is an artificial waterfall and tables for offerings (fruits, sweets).

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  • The temple is almost next to the metro station of the same name. You can examine it for free on any day. The temple doors open to visitors at 6 am and closed at 22:00. Especially crowded this place becomes after five in the evening.

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