Ride from Madrid to Avila


Ride by train to Avila from Madrid takes approximately one and a half hours. From the station to the fortress - 15-20 minutes a little step. There is a tourist information center before entering the gate, there you can take a map.

Tourists who visited Avila warn that due to the high location, more than 1000 meters above sea level, is always cold in Avila, and strong winds blow. Probably just lucky, the day was warm, sunny and gladly, it did not seem to me that in Avila is colder than in Madrid. Having reached the fortress, most tourists immediately climb the walls. On the walls you can go through two plots, beautiful views of the old town and the surroundings are opening. I decided to go through the city first. Visited the Cathedral, laid back in the 11th century. Very ancient, but the stone carving is perfectly preserved. Loved by the old facades of houses on the square. The narrow streets reached the monastery of Holy Teresa, very revered in Spain with a holy, which is considered patronizing Avila.

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Returned back to the gate Alcazar, through which he entered the fortress, a little different route, through the market square. It went through the fortress walls made by UNESCO to the list of objects that are the property of humanity.

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Avil has a lot of storks, I did not notice them from below, and the nests and slit birds are visible on every more or less high building.

The tourist train in the city is present, two compositions stood on joke near the cathedral, but they were not going to go anywhere, and I did not find any schedule. Already leaving the fortress, I saw the parking lot of an interesting vehicle, something like Moto Ricksha. As far as I could understand, this is a motorcycle with a very big stroller. The route contained an observation deck of Cuatro Postes, which I did not dare to turn on foot, so I decided to take advantage of the case and get to it. Motto Ricksha also also provides an excursion, in Spanish or English. There were no more wishing to listen to the story in English no longer found, so I went to the Spanish excursion. The driver's text includes through the loudspeaker, but apparently considers it necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the guide, so it screams loudly, it screams loudly, waving his hands and poke your finger in the subject of the story. Very worried that I do not understand, so, turning to me, my hands swung particularly expressive. The observation deck is the only stop on the route, the view from there is really very beautiful.

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