Why is Taipei suitable for recreation with children?


Have you decided to expand the horizons - your own and your children - and so you want to devote the precious days of vacation a trip far-far? Say, to the islands of the greatest world ocean - quiet? In such a case, the framing from such intriguing countries for Europeans as Japan and China will only become a prelude for visiting the Island-Province - Taiwan. And his capital - Taipei - not once will plunge into amazement and admiration for all of your "surname".

Why is Taipei suitable for recreation with children? 20407_1

Yes - Taipei Slanged Husteen and, keeping the "face" of the Chinese capital on this island, a large number - more than 2.5 million local people. Nevertheless, being not so close to the ocean coast, he still retains signs of tropical monsoon climate - with hot and long summer, and Several rivers, the extinct volcano and powerful forests together with the Nanmin National Park make the capital is very attractive even for lovers of ecotourism, not to mention cognitive and entertainment. By the way, the megapolis does not at all suppresses its heights and "glass concrete" (although the children will be interested in personally see the highest building in the world, which even has its own "name" - Taipei 101) - It takes a lot of attention to the younger generation and generally family theme. That is why the tour of the whole "surname" in this city is not uncommon. It is clear that such a journey is distinguished by their nuances, ranging from the advance rental of a suitable hotel and ending with food issues. For the hotel fund, it is not necessary to talk much: A huge city provides the huge opportunities to any tourist . For example, if you are going to travel with children of younger and older school age, it makes sense to pay attention to the three-star "San Want Hotel Taipei": it is conveniently located at the point of contact of the three city districts - historical, business and commercial and designed for a variety of categories Guests, including family. Rooms - more than 260, building - a multi-storey, in the rooms there is an electric kettle and TV, and an extra bed will be installed on an additional query, the iron and ironing board will be given. Taipei Center - near a kilometer. A chic accommodation option is a five-star "Sheraton Grande Taipei Hotel." There is not only a full range of services and comfort with a magnificent finish of each of the 688 rooms, but also a cozy outdoor pool on the roof of the building, there is its own fitness center, a beauty salon, a sauna. The airport is about 20 minutes on the vehicle. The hotel is located in the center. In a word, if you take care of a family stay during the trip, then in Taipei, I will definitely have the option you need.

Why is Taipei suitable for recreation with children? 20407_2

Where to go with children first of all by arrival? It is difficult to answer this question, because the proposals are a lot. In Taipei there is a children's health center , eg. And although this is one of the most young megacities on our planet, the attractions are not deprived of attractions. What stands, say, Confucius Temple, or rather, an architectural complex or the temple of the Dragon Mountain (Luunshansa) . No less interesting will be both adults and children in the city botanical garden, founded by the Japanese, as well as in the local zoo. Highly Fascinating will be visited by the complex "Window to China" "There are many thoroughly completed miniatures: the Great Wall of the Wall, a Forbidden City, etc. True, it is necessary to drive around an hour, the complex is located in the suburbs. You can make a great diversion of rest by going on the coast where beautiful beaches are located For example, Fulong - time on the way from half an hour. And in the city, going to have a snack, and you, and your children get a lot of pleasant impressions from visiting, for example, the cafe "Minimal": in addition to the diverse menu and the residents of Taipei, and his guests also attracts here and "live" interior - a lot of cats . So, if at home there is no possibility to keep these fluffy pets, then in the break between desserts kids can stroke the pussy and play with it. Experts highly recommend cycling The benefit of the entire megalopolis is prudently laid special tracks, and besides, it is good to make such barking for the city - in the surrounding scenic places. If you get to the city during one of many holidays, then we will witness the locals in the inherent in the Chinese-Taiwanese style inherent in the Chinese-Taiwanese style: a holiday of lanterns, the National New Year, etc. The wealth of fireworks, bright and Universal decoration, decoration, music and singing, theatricalization - everything is mixed into a motley cheerful kaleidoscope.

Why is Taipei suitable for recreation with children? 20407_3

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