Hospitable Tbilisi


Tbilisi - the capital of Georgia, right here hold the way! Beautiful city, where the old houses are mixed with new buildings, noisy transport and an inspiring atmosphere.

I lived in the Tiflislux Hostel hostel - a very good place is located in a 3-minute walk from the main street and metro station. The rooms are clean, spacious with high ceilings and old paintings, which made the hostess at home. Accommodation is not expensive, just 25 lari per day, although you can find even cheaper, but with a joint stay with the owners.

First of all, they went to study local attractions, very beautiful parks for recreation children, everything was well maintained and cleaned. Ultra-modern bridges (especially beautifully look at night lights). Unfortunately, the cableway was on prevention, but it was not very upset. Walk around the area of ​​sulfur bath, old quarter, many vintage temples and cultural monuments, and in a secretious corner of sulfur baths, a magnificent waterfall was concerned.

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After inspecting the local, the most important attractions, I went to the famous place, the ancient capital of Georgia - Mtzhetu, visited the monastery of Svetitzhovili, who is known for the whole world, by keeping Hiton Christ.

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Next, my journey continued to visit the Temple of Jvari, located on the top of the mountain, offering a breathtaking view of the merger of two Georgian rivers - Chickens and Aragvi.

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In the evening, after returning, I continue to get acquainted with the hospitable Tbilisi and go to ride a local funicular. Rising to the mountain, where the television tower and the ferris wheel is located, which can be seen from anywhere in Tbilisi, as if you get to another world, the spirit captures from what they saw, especially when in the city at the arrival of darkness, millions of lights light up.

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Chartly, but pleased, return to the hostel, where the owners meet with a smile on the face.

I stayed 3 days in this wonderful city, and this time is not enough to familiarize yourself with all the delights of Tbilisi, but this is enough in order for this city to stay in my heart for a long time!

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