Holidays in Taipei: where to eat and how much does it cost?


Taipei is an unusual, hospitable and very interesting city, which is at the same time the capital of Taiwan Province. Some tourists assure that this megapolis is not much different from other Chinese cities. As for me, this statement is unfair. This relatively young city cannot boast of centuries-old architectural monuments, but the atmosphere reigning in it causes a desire to come here again and again. And to be honest, Taipei will find something to show their guests and what to surprise them. In addition to the famous skyscraper, Taipei-101, the capital city is famous for its cooking.

  • Local cuisine is the original combination of culinary traditions of Japan and Eastern China. Tourists planning a trip to this point of the globe should not be particularly worried about the "where can I eat normally?" And the main thing - "what will have to eat?". The local traditional food for most travelers, of course, will seem exotic, but something from local dishes can even be able to even the most discerning guests. However, in local restaurants a kitchen is presented almost all countries of the world. So tourists who do not have to taste Taiwanese cuisine, will be able to sank the famous, Italian or other European dishes. It is worth noting that the Taikaians themselves rarely spend time on self-cooking. They usually dine and dinner in numerous eateries, cafes and restaurants of the city. And all because the "Street Food" snack is sometimes cheaper than home cooking.

Street Food or Night Markets Taipei

As for the guests of Taipei, then, one way or another, their acquaintance with Taiwanese cuisine will begin with a visit to "edible" places, or rather, with Nightmarkets. That is what night markets are called here, which sells the most delicious and cheap food. True, tourists susceptible to smells should be prepared for the fact that air in the night markets will be filled with all sorts of aromas. Moreover, some of them may seem not very pleasant, even though there will be quite edible food.

In Nightmarks, the Kushany is sold from trays on wheels and in small cafes for a couple of tables.

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Food purchased from the tray, as a rule, eaten on the go. It can be a roasted squid on a stick or Taiwanese sausages, burger (Gua Bao) or hot dog (yes Chan Bao Xiao Chan). Depending on the size, one squid will cost from 70 to 100 new Taiwanese dollars. For a burger with stewed pork breast and a bun cooked for a couple will have to give about 50 Taiwanese dollars. Also from trays for sale and fresh juices. The price of a glass of apple Freasha is no less than the homeland of travelers. But pineapple and bamboo juice is worth a decent penny - about 10-15 Taiwanese dollars.

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The menu of small market cafes mainly consists of seafood, dumplings and all kinds of noodles. The snack in such establishments will be pulled at 170 Taiwanese dollars.

In addition to ordinary food on Nightmarks, many sweets are sold. These are all sorts of local fruits in fresh form, soft Turkish ice cream and vegetables / fruits in caramel. If there is no strawberry in sugar syrup to surprise, the tomato in caramel will definitely cause interest. Moreover, such an exotic dessert on the sample will be even very original. And it will cost only 10-12 Taiwanese dollars.

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  • Find night markets in Taipei Tourists can almost in every area. Nightmarket "Shida" is located in the Daan quarter, not far from the Metro station "Gutin". His shopping tents and carts with food with the onset of darkness occupy side streets that are branched off from the route. Here travelers will be able to taste fried chicken dumplings, traditional sausages and, if you have enough spirit, "fragrant" cheese of Tofu. But on the huge night market "Shilin", which is located in the same name, tourists get to dine with oxome with oysters, squid and noodle dishes.

So, the nutrition of Stritfood in Taipei is the perfect and quite safe option for those limited in the means. It is very difficult to poison such food, and problems may arise except for those tourists who have a weak stomach. The fact is that street traders for food, as well as the owners of restaurants and eateries, try to abide by all sanitary standards. Otherwise, in case of detection of violations and antisanitaries, they threaten the transcendental penalty or even closure.

Restaurants and snacks Taipei

Competition of Nightmarkams in Taipei make up the favorite by many tourists of Fastfund. Of course, McDonalds McDonalds works in this metropolitan city. One branch of this self-service restaurant is located in the Dahan area, one more - on Chongqing Road in the Silin area.

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At the same time, in Taipei, it will be satisfied with the livestock restaurants of the Asian network. You can dine in them both in the restaurant itself and eat with you. Permanent dishes in the menu are chicken or pork, beef soup with noodles and all sorts of side dishes exhibited behind the glass showcase.

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As for restaurants, one of the most popular in Taipei is considered a small institution "B98". The table in this restaurant is better booking. Often in the evenings all places in "B98" are busy. The owner itself is engaged in the preparation of dishes in the restaurant. He does not know English and with visitors communicates exclusively in Chinese. However, this does not affect the excellent taste of dishes prepared. Here you can safely order Taiwanese cuisine - shrimp sausages or octopus, baked fish, noodles soup. In the end, you will be pleasantly surprised not only by the quality of dishes, but also the size of the dinner.

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Another place, which must be visited by the cafe "Sushi Express". It works around the clock and is located on Chung Xiau Road. The raisin of this institution is that the visitor is sitting at the tables, the small containers with food are passing. By choosing a fabulous dish - salad, rolls, sushi, dessert, you can pick it up on your table and eat.

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If there is no interest on the conveyor, then you can give an order to the waiter. The cost of containers on average is 30 Taiwanese dollars, while ginger, vasabi and green tea are provided free of charge. At the end of the meal, the number of plates on the table is considered and the account is supplied.

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