Useful information about the holiday in Tbilisi.


Telephone communication, Internet access, mail services

Telephone communications

In Tbilisi, a fixed connection is well established. Calls around the country and beyond its limits with the help of a regular phone-machine. To do this, you need to purchase a telephone card. Somehow in Georgia still work old payphones that accept the payment of coins. In addition, you can make an international call in the negotiation point: this is probably found in a large post office. Call right from the hotel will cost more expensive, "thanks to" intermediary operators. In addition to the high cost, it is also a connection may not be akty of what quality, so it is better to order a telephone conversation in advance.

International Code of Georgia "+995" , and Tbilisi code - "32" . To call to the capital of Georgia from the territory of the Russian Federation from a landline phone, gain such a combination: "eight"-Good - "10 995 32" , and after - the telephone number. If you make a call from mobile, then you should dial "995 32" , after which - the telephone number. When making calls to another state, it is worth remembering about the difference in time zones. For Georgia is UTC +4.

Useful information about the holiday in Tbilisi. 20317_1

Mobile communications in Georgia is used by approximately the third part of the population and is considered almost the most expensive all over the world. There are several operators: "Geocell", "Caucasus", "Silknet" and "Beeline " If you arrived from Russia and plan to use the services of a local operator, then you it is more profitable to make a choice in favor of "biline" . Beeline is particularly beneficial for calls to Russia, but if you compare the rates between the above-described mobile operators for calls on Georgia, then there is one knee-aided. So you flew to Tbilisi and decided to buy a SIM card of the Georgian operator. You can do this in one of the offices of mobile operators, for the most part located on the main avenue of the capital - Rustaveli. Payment for the use of cellular services can be produced in the same place, in the office of your operator, or with the help of terminals installed in stores. Such terminals are usually calculated on English or Russian-speaking users.

the Internet

Access to Wi-Fi and Unlimited Internet is on the same Rustaveli Avenue, in large shopping centers, the main parks of the city and in hotels. Georgian sites use the .ge domain.

post office

Recently, with the mail of Georgia, heated changes occurred - in a good sense: serious modernization was carried out and the transition to compliance with international standards. Georgia employs both local courier services and delivery on international orders through the UPS services, "DHL" and "Fed Express". In addition, postal transfer services in the country and from other states with the help of postal service and with Western Union company are available.

Safety situation

In recent years, the tourist sector of the economy in recent years is increasing the pace of development, therefore the authorities are interested in ensuring comfortable and safe conditions for the guests of the country. For its part, the locals are always happy to help the Council or not even by the Council, but also to provide serious assistance to coming if he needs it. However, the tourist should still stick to the main rules of safe behavior and keep (if not in the mind, then in the phone or notebook) emergency telephones. In Tbilisi, this is a single number - eleven 2. In addition, before going to Tbilisi, stock rooms and addresses of tourist centers, where it will always be able to get a map, a booklet with information about local attractions and simply get the necessary information. Address of the tourist info center in Tbilisi: Rustaveli Avenue, 3. Telephone: "293-1260" . In the National Museum, located on Rustaveli Avenue, you can take a map of the city (in the lobby).

Many are afraid to go to Georgia because of Russia's hostilities regarding this country that occurred in August 2008, but in fact, the Russians are true here, so do not panic because of the hysteria of the notorious Russian media. In an unforeseen situation, please contact the Representative Office of the Russian Federation - that is, the Section of the Interests of the Russian Federation (the embassy itself was closed after August 2008). This Section of the interests of the Russian Federation Works at the Embassy of Switzerland, from Monday to Thursday by schedule 09: 00-19: 00, and on Friday 09: 00-15: 00. It is located at Ave. I.chavchavadze, 51. Contact phones: "291-24-06", "291-26-45".

With any journey, abroad will make it possible to avoid major financial costs in case of an unexpected situation. If we talk specifically about Georgia, then the design of medical insurance for entry into the country is not required. It's just in your own interests. In particular, if you gathered in the mountains to go skiing or do something else extreme. If something happened to you (and insurance has already been framed), then you should contact your insurance office and learn recommendations on further actions where exactly you should seek medical care.

Those who decided to come to Tbilisi for a long period, more profitable and better will issue a policy of insurance right on the spot, in the Georgian firm - such, for example, as "Aldagi)." or "GPI" . Most insurance programs in local companies are designed for a year. When terminating the contract, the client loses funds paid for the month forward (payment is carried out in advance). No additional vaccinations for a trip to this country do not need. And it is also worth considering that medical support in Georgia may not be at such a good level, as in Europe, therefore, we go on the road by the most important drugs.

The police in Georgia do not take bribes, because in relation to corruption in this country there is a very hard policy. Attempting to bring a bribe to a police representative can be fraught with deportation and even imprisonment. And if you just got lost or looking for some kind of sight, you can safely ask the order of the order - you will not only tell you the road, but perhaps you will even lend. The only thing that you can threaten serious trouble is to visit Abkhazia and South Ossetia without approval of the Georgian power. This is considered a criminal offense. In addition, citizens of Russia are prohibited from entering Georgia through these territories.

Useful information about the holiday in Tbilisi. 20317_2

If you respect the Georgian legislation and do not enter into local people in conversations about politics and national issues, in Tbilisi to you will be treated with all respects and will always help get used in an unfamiliar atmosphere.

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