What interesting places should be visited in Milan?


Milan - the second largest city of Italy (13 million). In addition, it is located so that leaving Switzerland (Germany, France, Austria) you will inevitably "stumble upon" to Milan. And this is a city that is "on the hearing", especially because it positions itself as a fashion center and design. But very often tourists are disappointing, like me. But cooled and stopped twisted after Milan, I realized that the whole thing is that historical Milan "dissolved" in a modern, rather chaotic and dirty industrial city. And since for me as for many, the story of modern Italy is an empty sound, then I saw a little in it. With the second visit, I will "delve", but I will no longer stop in Milan, despite the very large and inexpensive hotel offer.

So, the easiest way to start familiarizing with the visits. Overview Routes 3. There are tickets for 1 and for 2 days, there are tickets that make it possible to jump from the route to the route. Red route A - goes directly in the city, costs 22 euros. You can go and enter anytime, many languages ​​(including Russian). We bought tickets near the fortress of Sforza, but I think you can buy tickets everywhere. Milan Review (if you save tickets), gives a discount of 10% for visits in other cities of Italy. On the review you at least get an idea of ​​the topography of the city and briefly about its history. Personally, I will certainly impress the heat. Usually I start with visits, but it was so hot that we sat on a bus of the clock at 17 and on the thermometer was 38! Nevertheless, it becomes clear that Milan is both the history of the labor movement, and modern art (Futurism's birthplace). Routes in and C leave somewhere on the outskirts ... (I decided to watch them next time).

We moved along Milan on the subway. Ticket for a day. Stroach 4.5 euros, a very convenient and understandable scheme and all quickly. We left the car on the free parking lot in the hotel and it was the right solution.

The main "tourist" facilities in the city of four.

1. Kapella of the monastery with the fresco of Leonardo "Last Supper" in the Dominican Monastery Santa Maria Delle Grazie. BUT!!!! There must be recorded (you can on the Internet) at least a month for four.

2. Milan Cathedral (Duomo). Tickets are sold at several points around the cathedral. From my point of view it is worth buying only the cathedral itself (2 euros), a treasury (2 euros) and terraces (to climb on foot - 8 euros, on elevator -13). Crypt is just the recently open crypt of the church of Kotor was to the cathedral (just stones and photos). And the Museum of the Cathedral is near - this is generally the worst museum in my life (nothing to look at, some models and a couple of exhibits). But there are air conditioners! I looked at the prices of yttrnet now and there is something that Crypt is free and the museum and the cathedral is one ticket. But we completely paid for them paid a couple of 3-4 euros per object. In general, you can safely limit the ticket for 2 euros (do not lose anything).

From the Cathedral Square (Duomo) to the left of her through a chic store (GUM in Italian - the Gallery of Viktor Emmanuel), go to the other square, look at the small and unprecedented theater of La Scala and (if not planning shopping on bouquets, there just goes the street with stores) You can jump in the subway and go to watch the fortress fortune (well, or sit on the bus visits and get out near the fortress).

What interesting places should be visited in Milan? 20228_1

What interesting places should be visited in Milan? 20228_2

3. The fortress of Sforza (Castello Sforza) - In addition to the very interesting fortress (it was built by the same masters or at least the same school as the Moscow Kremlin, the gallery is surprisingly similar!) In the fortress Sforza, several museums:

Museum of Old Art

Picture gallery

Egyptian Museum

Museum of ancient history

Modern Art Museum

Museum of furniture

Museum of Vintage Books (Achille Bearerelli)

Meeting Leonardo

And in my opinion three or four archives and libraries.

Day off - Monday.

What interesting places should be visited in Milan? 20228_3

The entrance ticket is worth about 5 euros, and in the Fortress itself the input is free. If you pass the fortress through - there is a park with an arch, and to the right of the fortress - another park and it is in my opinion the only park in the city where there is coolness.

4. Pinacoteca di Brera is the main art gallery of the city. Pinakotreka is located near the fortress of Sforza. In principle, if time is little or tired from paintings, then it can be limited to it. The entrance ticket costs 16 euros, but it is worth it!

What interesting places should be visited in Milan? 20228_4

In addition, Milan is an exhibition city. The second day we killed on Expo. The exhibition is a bit outside the city. You can go express (by bus) from the center (then you will not stand in the queue for a ticket and will be closed a little closer). But in general, you can get on the metro and at the regional art (also close). I think that in Milan there are exhibitions and more interesting.

For the next arrival, I have scheduled for myself the Museum of Contemporary Art Museo Del Novecento (he is next to Duomo, right). Even in Milan there is a museum of nature, the Museum of Technology, and the Museum of the Liberation Movement. Yeze me came across the road some kind of private art museum. Well, there is a lot of beautiful churches there, but I'll see everything next time. Well, the main reminder: everything is closed on Monday !!!!

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