How to take yourself on vacation in Panji?


The small town of Panaji is known not only as the smallest capital of the Indian state of Goa, but also as one of the best resorts of India. Tourists from the first minutes of stay in the city feel a special atmosphere, created by the mixing of cultures, architectural styles and traditions. And all because Panji is not particularly similar to other Indian cities. It is clearly seen here to portuguese influence - bright houses with tiled roofs, narrow cobbled streets, small cafes with open terraces at the entrance, Catholic churches and a giant white church on a hill. Looking at all this, it seems that you got to the Mediterranean resort or a cozy provincial corner of Europe. However, this is still Panji - an ideal place for youth and family holidays.

The city provides travelers many opportunities in order for their vacation to be exciting and unforgettable . During walks on quiet streets and more noisy avenues, tourists are provided with a chance to get acquainted with local attractions. And the time free from the cultural program can easily spend on active entertainment or lazy rest on one of the beaches of the resort. And the local beaches are pride of Panja. After all, there is no wonder some tourists make a choice in favor of traveling into a small staff capital only because of the presence of a 100-kilometer beach strip in it. The local coastal area is covered with white sand, which under shadow from green palm trees and near water sometimes seems transparent. Beach recreation admirers may be interested in one of the three most refined beaches - Miramar, Bammbolim or Don Paul.

Miramar beach The closer to all the rest is located to the center of the resort town, so the locals call him urban. Translated from the Portuguese name of this corner sounds like "Contemplation of the Sea". It is almost always crowded here, even though swimming in this part of the coast is unsafe. The proximity of the Mandodhodi River provokes a strong underwater flow in the tubes. However, the bait of the beach and the presence of a wondrous palm garden, as well as the children's playground attracts the place of rest. Plus, the beach is oboisan by shops and small wooden shacks - sheca, in which you can eat on the disasters of Indian cuisine and rent a sun bed. True, resting should be prepared for the fact that at the time of the extreme bathing and sunbathing, they will turn into an object of close attention from Indians. Closer to the evening, entertainment activities are held at Miramar, such as a contest of sandy sculptures, an amateur beach volleyball tournament.

How to take yourself on vacation in Panji? 20200_1

  • To get to Miramar Beach Tourists will help a taxi or city bus, regularly running between the beach and the city center.

Beach Don Paula It is located at a distance of almost 7 kilometers from Panji. The peculiarity of this place is that it is here that the two most significant rivers of the state of Goa fall into the Arabian Sea. Unlike Miraar, Don Puala Beach is not so crowded. Here, tourists can relax and sunbathe without unnecessary attention from local residents. For water entertainment lovers, skating on motor boats, scooters, water skiing is organized. In the club Dona Paula Sports, running on the beach, tourists can rent equipment for snorkeling and windsurfing. In addition, in the area of ​​the beach you can ask for marine fishing. To do this, it is enough to contact the club or directly to local fishermen, which are fishing near the beach. The lovers of the wonderful can interest the observation deck, located on the top of Cape Don Puala. It offers a magnificent view of the bay. And even annually in November, the spectacular festival of water sports is held on this beach.

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  • You can get to the beach on a public bus or taxi. True, in this case, a taxi will be more preferable for tourists. It will significantly take the rest to the rest to the beach of Don Puala and will cost quite inexpensively. In addition, buses in this direction are not as often as I would like.

Diving lovers if desired, can contact one of the Divcentres Panja where they will organize dive near Nuran Islands and Grand. These places are characterized by a particularly rich sea flora and fauna. Divers here will be able to watch Mauren, a large barrague, and if you are lucky, it will turn out to meet the sea turtles and the reef sharks. For one 45-minute immersion, about 4.5 thousand rupees will have to post.

Another points of the entertainment program in the Goana capital can be a river or sea walking tour on the ship. Usually such a promenade is delayed by 1.5-2 hours. During this time, tourists are invited not only to admire the beauties of the Arabian Sea or the Mandovi River from the top deck of the vessel, but also to participate in the music and entertainment program, conducted by the Indian DJ on the lower deck.

Pleasure vessels running along the river are sent from Santa Monica's pier, located in the Bridge area of ​​the New Testament. Tourists can choose any likely ship at their discretion. The cost of a walk is the same everywhere and is 150 rupees. The difference is only in what language the entertainment program will be in. On GTDC ships, DJs communicate in English. These ships are separated at 18:00 and 19:30. Similar walks organizes another private company, whose water transport is sent at 19:00 and 20:30. There are additionally bar on these ships. However, DJs entertain the audience in Portuguese.

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Gambling tourists walking on a regular ship can replace with a fascinating pastime on the Piano Casino ship. Such entertainment will cost a little more expensive and will require compliance with the strict dress code. The entrance ticket to the river casino costs 3.5 thousand rupees. Plus, it will take some more cash, so that the night is in advance while playing roulette, blackjack, bones or bakkar. Respairs the casino "Royal" from the pier every evening at 18:00 and, rising by the Mandodhodi River, mooring at 8 am.

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