What is interesting to see Bergamo?


Bergamo is one of the most beautiful cities that I have seen in my life. It is the most beautiful of the cities of Lombardy! The most beautiful is certainly fully preserved Città Alta or the old town. The lower city is called Città Bassa or Città Borghi and some of its parts also belong to the old town. But not all. So try to settle as close to the hill as close as possible and then the impressions of the city will be simply unforgettable! Most of the attractions in the upper, old town and it's just a fairy tale!

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Upper city.

And one more remark. It is better not to fall in Bergamo on Monday. On this day, museums are closed, and the temples are not open all the time. From the Nizhny city to the old town leads the funicular. But in general, there are two of them in the city. The first goes from the northern part of the lower city of Viale Vittorio Emanuele to the southern part of the Upper City of Piazza Mercato Delle Scarpe. And the second as it were within the northwestern part of the upper city from San Vigilio and he is more "tourist". The first one is worth the euro with a penny, I do not know about the second.

I would be descended in any case, I advised on foot, for the sake of panorama and walks at the end of the wall. View from the terraces from the outside of the fortress walls is also one of the attractions of the city. From there just a fantastic view of the Church of San Vigilio and in surroundings

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The length of the wall circle is about 5 km, the wall refers to the 16th century, the church inside it is much older. Near the fortress wall, outside, there is relatively inexpensive parking (the first hour of about 1.50 and then it seems for the euro). This is in case you decide to drive a car. There are places, the city of tourists is not particularly overloaded. We did and did. And one more eccentric from our company drove to the upper city of the Great and so you can also (there is where to bind it). The case took place in the summer. In winter and in a rainy offseason, it is probably not for a bike. And there is a bus number 1 runs there (I finite at him at the airport)

Bergamo, like all Italian cities, has a difficult story. But! If you briefly about what you see. The city was worth the Celts. Langobard won him for a while, but then the city belonged not to Lombardy (despite the fact that Milan literally in three steps), and Venice. In the fortress wall, crosses marked old churches. Part of the upper city, by the way, generally belongs to the Vatican (seminary and some other church controls). The upper city within the city wall is small and in principle, if you are not a tragedy from Bergamo. But it is always worth returning to it!

Two Main Square inside the wall This Piazza Vecchia on which Rathauses is located Palazzo Vecchio (Della Ragione) Piazza del Duomo, that is, the cathedral area with Cattedrale Di Sant'Alexandro Martire Cattedrale, with a classic facade, dome, etc. As far as the most valuable carved chorus in it. From the northern side of the cathedral is Cappella del Crocifisso in which a very ancient figure of a crucified Christ of the 16th century, but in general it is necessary to get with the eccursion. Or at least buy a good guide!

Another attraction is the Church of Santa Maria Maggiore, very old, built in the Romanesque style and rebuilt into the late Baroque era. These are three main attractions !!!

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Nehbcns look at the very ancient Cappella Colleoni chapel (there is a staircase, on Cappella di Santa Croce, there is the most valuable - frescoes and the Palace of Bishop, it is surrounded by a small park. The only gothic building in the old town is Augustinian Monastery Ex Chiesa Di Sant'Agostino), in the eastern of the city. In the easternmost part itself, you can still look at the small Lombard Church of San Michele Al Pozzo Bianco, it is also famous for frescoes, and the 12th century. They are located in the Madonna Chapel to the left of the choirs. In the northern part of Gogoda there is a small botanical garden "Lorenzo Rota. On the descent, in the south side of the hill St. Efimi, is the Bastion Rocca Di Bergamo.

In general, everything is very close there. But the attractions are so many that you need or guide or guide!

Still in the old town they sell a lot of tasty, including traditional sweets from corn and syrup with a bird at the top (the reminder of the ban is there are peating birds). This is Polenta de Osei. We could not alienate even one on three, it is slowly sweet. But still interesting to try. There is still tasty buns with different fruits and nuts (their winter food with hot wine, but also in the summer, too, delicious). In general, there are a lot of temptations.

Lower city.

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The right of the Picture Gallery of Accademia Carrara. On Monday it is closed! The Galleria D'Arte Moderna E Contemporanea Gallery is also completed there. But mostly go there for old masters.

Via Pignolo Street leads from the center to the north and there are many palaces of the Renaissance era, in one of them Museum Diocezia is the Palace of Adriano Bernareggi. In the north of the lower city, the Church of Sant'Alexandro Colonna and the Neptune Fountain is still watching.

Interestingly, the city built a lot of Jacomo Roserengi in the city (he was generally born in Bergamo), but all the palaces are in private property and because you cannot inspect the quarters.

There is still an archaeological museum and the museum (children will probably be interested). Well, the museum of resistance. In general, I will come back in Bergamo!

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