Water Park Water Park - Is it worth going?


On Rhodes is one of the largest water parks in Europe - it is called Water Park and is located in the village of Faliraki.

Is it worth going?

My subjective opinion is quite unambiguous - yes, it is worth it. Consult in more detail - if you like water entertainment, it is worth it. The water park is quite worthy. There are entertainment for every taste and color - a large children's zone, a lot of family attractions (that is, the average degree of extreme) and there are several very terrible extreme slides for those who do not mind to tickle their nerves.

How to get?

You can get to the water park in several ways - by taxi, on a rented car, on a flying bus and a free bus of the water park itself.

The first of the proposed options is Taxi . If you live nearby (in Faliraki or Califer), then you will be very convenient to get to the water park by taxi. The price will not exceed 10-15 euros, since the distance is small. Taxis stop right at the entrance, in the parking lot. If you want to leave the water park on a taxi, then for your convenience there is a price list with zones - how much it costs to go to which resort. Taxis there a lot, wait does not have to.

The second option is Rental car. It can be left in the parking lot next to the water park. By the way, the parking lot is not very big, so the place maybe you have to search.

Further Flight bus . The main minus of this method is that the bus does not drive up to the water park itself (which is on the mountain), and goes along the coast. Buses often go, there will be no problems with this, but you will have to go to the mountain on foot. As for me, it is rather tiring.

And finally Free bus water park . He walks from the city of Rhodes (the capital of the island), from the main bus station (next to the port). He walks on the schedule, the first bus goes to the water park at 9:00 and further on schedule every hour.

We chose this method that went on a bus that went at 10:00. People at the bus stop were, but not too much - everyone calmly fit into the bus, of course, all seats were busy, but there were no applications. We drove about 20 minutes, then the bus landed us at the entrance to the water park.

How much is?

Prices for the entrance ticket are not particularly high - Adult ticket costs 22 euros, children's - 15 euros . There is no restrictions on time, you can stay in the water park until the closure itself.

What services is there in the water park?

As in any other water park, there is Lockers for storage of things. They are paid - cost 2 euros + pledge (it will be given when you return the key). The lockers are quite large, things are closer without problems, the key is given on the gum, then they put on his hand or legs, so as not to lose.

Which is unpleasant surprised - Cabins for dressing up There is, but there are very few of them, so many are forced to change clothes in a common hall, covered with towels or in the toilet. The cabins are uncomfortable - there is no bench, no mirror, there is no place to put things. In general, this moment is irreparable.

Toilets are in different parts of the water park, it is a plus.

There is I. Restaurant courtyard - A pair of small cafes. While selling hot food is a queue. We defended there about 20 minutes. Food is normal, nothing special, but you can. Price average.

All over the water park stands under beds - they are free. By the middle of the day, most of them are already busy, so finding yourself somewhat problematic.


And finally, I will go to the main part, which, probably, is interested in those who read this article - to the water slides.

Children's - The water park has a separate corner for children. There I saw a few small children's slides, frogs (that is, small pools), a children's town and much more. It seems to me that for children it is what is needed. Parents were parents with children of different ages, but children from 3 to 7 years old were mostly rushed on such slings.

Water Park Water Park - Is it worth going? 20158_1


Most of all in the territory of the Water Park of Family Attractions - what is believed to the average degree of extreme. They ride there as children from 10 years old and adults. There are limitations of growth and weight.

Family slides are completely different, among them both standard (which I have repeatedly met in other water parks, and the original, with whom I encountered for the first time).

So, among the family slides, I counted the following:

  • Two "black holes" - Closed slides for which descend on the circles. You can go both on a double circle and on one. In my opinion, they are absolutely not terrible - you go with an average speed, there are no sharp turns, everything is pretty calm.
  • Open hill - The slide with a big bias, which descends in turn. Someone flew on it very quickly, and someone stuck and literally slipped into the water. It seemed to me that it was associated with weight and with the fact that the man was repelled at the top. The slide is rather funny, but wait for the descent for a very long time.

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  • Open slide with mattresses "One of my loved ones throughout the water park - six people can ride on it - you are going on Matresa lying on my stomach, head forward. The queue on it is small, go very quickly. In general, I recommend.
  • Toilet - The slide on which you get through the pipe to the "toilet", make several revolutions and fall into the pool. Not bad slide, although I saw her in many water parks.
  • Three cones - The hill, which I saw for the first time and which I really liked. It is not particularly terrible, but unusual. You are going on a circle on a closed pipe and get into the cone from which you wash off into the pipe, then you fall into the second cone and so on. I advise.

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  • Rafting - The slide, according to which they come on circles (can be on double). Not bad, pretty fast, but not too scary.

I will not list all the rest of the slides, I will only note that from family hills this is not all you can see there.


The most extreme slides in the water park, in fact, three are slides with a big bias, on which a person develops a mad speed. People constantly scared with them, no one had any injuries, but I was afraid of riding. However - if you are not from timid, you will probably like it.

Actually, the water park generally made a pleasant impression. He looks good (not old, not killed), a lot of slides and they are different. Prices are quite acceptable.

Minus one - on some slings, rescuers do not follow how people rolling down, so you have to wait yourself to have a person in front of you enough. Therefore, I recommend everyone to be attentive in order not to face other people.

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