Cordoba - the soul of Andalusia.


Famous Cordoba, above all, Meskita, a grand mosque, rebuilt into a Catholic cathedral, and numerous patio courtyards. These small kindergartens in the courtyards of houses are a business card of the city, their images everywhere, from books and cards to magnets and covers for phones. In February, when I was in Cordoba, there is little blooming plants, but the patio looks smart and in such a "ill-dimensional" time.

Mesquite made a dual impression on me. This building, huge as the airport, is not so much rebuilt as simply adapted for a Catholic cathedral. Jesus on crucifixes among the Mauritan columns looks strange, and his eyes seemed perplexed me.

Literally a few steps - the Royal Palace with a luxurious garden, ponds.

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The flower street promised by the guidebook was not immediately found, several times I just went past this narrow gap between the houses, not to find her street.

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There was no clear plan, and it led me.

The next day was weekend in the Palace of Viana, famous numerous patios, did not work even the zoo and the Botanical Garden. I thoughtfully wondered through the courtyard of the hotel, going to just walk around the city, drink any coffee somewhere, and was stopped by the question of the owner: "Where are you going?" Sad sighing, told that it was badly prepared and stuck the most interesting thing, and now there is nowhere to go. "How nowhere? !!" - the owner was indignant. I took me to the office, I went to the computer and quickly spacked me on the map of the pieces of six points, where I certainly should go. At the advice of the owner, I rose to the ancient Tower of Calahorra, with which the wonderful views of the Guadalquivir River and Meskita.

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Found a patio, a free open-air museum.

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Once again, along the wall of the Old Town, examined the old synagogue, San Bartholome Chapel - Mudjhar style masterpiece, visited the museum of the skin. This small museum offers leather products made and decorated in traditional style. On the monitor you can see the stages of production, it is a complex and painstaking work.

With a sense of accomplishment, I was returning to the hotel, where a vigilant owner was waiting for me. The question sounded something like this: "Why did it come?" I reported that I looked at everything.

- Go there (waving a hand)

- And then what?

- See.

Mortwood, but I obediently pulled in a given direction. On the paved cobblestone area lights up lights. On the ground, the walls sat the musicians, the man played the guitar, the woman sang something such a supervisory and lengthy that goosebumps. In the center of the square there is a cross, the light bulbs litters around him too. Very beautiful and romantic. Andalusia's heart beats in Granada, her soul lives in Cordoba.

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