How much does it cost to eat in Istanbul? Where better to eat?


In Istanbul, you can get acquainted with the gastronomic traditions of the most different kitchens of the world. Due to the fact that representatives of many cultures live here, there is a very rich choice of culinary pleasures. In Istanbul, just Chestov Suman gastronomic institutions for every taste and pocket. Here you and traditional Ottoman cuisine, Middle Eastern, Indian ... Not to mention the indispensable marine dishes from the freshest Mediterranean fish. A huge number of fast food, street trays ... Yes, if you wish, you can organize whole gastronomic excursions here if the budget, of course, allows. And if not - you can replace the restaurants into restaurants to replace street snacks, the benefit is prepared here so much of all different and interesting things that do not trust everything!

How much does it cost to eat in Istanbul? Where better to eat? 20122_1

First of all, it is worth paying attention to the Turkish traditional kitchen, which, by the way, is considered one of the richest and most sophisticated on the planet. I advise you in front of a trip to Istanbul in advance to make a list of dishes that you need to try. Mandatory points in such a list should be: chorba soup, kebab, snacks-mez, pilaf, fish sandwiches, Turkish sweets and coffee.

As a snacks, local love to use different salads refilled by olive oil, stuffed tomatoes, olives, rice in grape leaves and a lot more.

Seafood in Turkey is a separate conversation. Country is surrounded by seas, therefore, in local restaurants, a wide selection of lobsters, sea perch, shrimp and other marine animals are offered. Dishes from vegetables in Ottoman cuisine are also present - for example, such as Khwech (stew vegetables) or dolma (stuffed). Especially popular red and green beans.

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Be sure to try Kebab - most popular from local meat dishes. In Turkey, the pilaf is remarkably prepared - from rice or bulgur (big-breasted wheat); Sometimes pistachios, tomatoes, onions, meat, greens and dried fruits add to this dish.

Special accent, perhaps, it is worth making Turkish sweets - because this is one of the main "chips" of this country, which is known far beyond. Milk dessert, fruit or flour with sherboat - a mixture of water with sugar and lemon juice, and, of course, a well-known puff pastry with pistachio stuffing.

With drinks, everything is very simple: the main one who is worth check out in Istanbul is a first-class Turkish coffee. On anise vodka "Craki" heard, perhaps not all. This alcohol is drinking diluted water - in proportion one to two. Still in Turkey produce the most famous beer "Ephesus".

In the historical part of Istanbul, the expensive cafes are located in which you will try to tighten almost by force, grabbing on the street by arms. Maybe you will like it there. However, for dinner will have to leave the institution at least fifty bucks. Do you need it? Especially since it is full of much cheaper, although not such glamorous options to eat tasty and satisfying.

Street food and prices

Street food in Istanbul is sold on trolleys and in boats. The gastronomic symbol of the city on the Bosphorus - Simit (bagel with sesame). It is worth the happiness of half a dollar. You can quickly "eat" fried chestnuts. One hundred grams (chestnuts in the sense) costs two dollars. Jarny or fried corn, thanks to which you will break into nostalgic memories in the Crimean resorts, will cost two lira. If we prefer seafood, then stuffed mussels are the option "cheap and angry": a couple of mussels costs two or three lira.

There is still a Balyk-Emec - a delicious thing, a sandwich with fish and salad. There is five lire on the sawspassed boat near the Eminönü embankment such a dish. On the other side of the bay, near the fish market, Balyk Ekmeek can be bought even cheaper - four lira.

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If you do not like raw onions, tell me about this to the seller in advance. Sandwich can be supplemented with pickled vegetables that are sold in stalls on the embankment. One glass of vegetables costs from one to three lire.

About provisions from Istanbul supermarkets

Local supermarkets should go for dairy products and water. From the milk - you can buy yogurts, kaymak, ajane. Well, for tea - black and apple. But everything is bad with sausages and hard cheeses, it's not worth buying them if you do not want to disappoint. The boiled and smoked sausage has an unusual taste, because they do not add pork to it. As for cheeses, they are too salty here, and many do not like it.

What can be found delicious in Istanbul markets

The Istanbul market is the most suitable place for outdoor breakfast. Here you can taste soft cheese "Panir", here it is more fresh than the one who trades in supermarkets. It costs from 9 to 12 lire. At the end of the day, prices fall almost twice. It pleases the good choice of the Egyptian market, it is near the Eminönü embankment and in the district of Kadiki.

If you are a sweet tooth, then here you will just try, thanks to the good choice of a wide variety of sweets and nuts. Lukum and Pakhlava stand from 18 lir for Kilo, pistachios - from 17 lir.

From the meat on the market they offer "Sudzhuk" - this is an acute cheerful sausage quite expensive - thirty lir per kilogram. As for vegetable fruit, in the season it is possible in principle not bad to buy: oranges, tangerines, apples are offered at a price of 2 lire / kg. Moreover, you can always bargain and thoroughly bring down the initial price.

At the fish market (and there are Kumkapy, Kadyki and Karaki in the Rasts), the fish will be shy straight in place. The cheapest and moreover, the most tasteless - Hamsa and Mackerel. For one portion, six lire will have to pay.

Turkish "Fast Food"

Traditional Turkish catering on the type of "fast food" is called "Lock", or more "Lockandasi". Alcohol do not sell here, and you can only pay in cash. Water (and in some cases and bread) are often free. The size of the portions is pleasantly pleasing, for two people there is enough one.

Budget utensils are located on the left side of the Sirkeggi station, close to the tram stop. Lock "Sultanahmet Köftesi" is located next to the Blue Mosque on the street. "Divan Yolu".

In any area of ​​Istanbul, Simit Saray network is also available, which offer baking based on a bubble simit. You can take a simit and tea for breakfast - it will cost you three lira; Bereke with cheese and cappuccino costs seven lire.

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