The most interesting places in the pacas.


One of the most visited provinces of Laos, Champasak - the territory is not so big, and the population there is only about 50,000 (in the pacas, in the villages on Plateau Bolaven, in Pakson, in Taimpassak-Town and 4000 Islands Si Phan Don. Spring between Thailand and Cambodia, a small town of Pakse is located on the site of the merger of the Mekong River - this is the capital of the province. As a result of the construction of a bridge through Mekong, leading to Thailand, the popularity of the city among tourists has grown quickly, as well as the region gained important trade importance.

The most interesting places in the pacas. 20012_1

Full-water river Mekong Personal antiquity, the temple of WAT PKhU, and then divided by the waves in the shores of four thousand islands is the territory of complete serenity. Plateau Bolaven is famous for its production of coffee, rattan, fruit and cardamom, while the overwhelming number of temples (woves) across the terrain make the province of terribly interesting and entertaining for the visit. About everything in more detail.

Wat PKH (Wat PHU)

WAT PTA is considered one of the oldest religious structures in all Laos. One of the temples of the complex was built in about the 5th century, but most buildings on the territory of the cottage (as it is not necessarily one temple) dating from 11-13 centuries. Like other important Khmer architecture objects in Southeast Asia, this WAT was built using sandstone, Laterita (something similar to clay, but not at all clay) and bricks. Among the impressive beauty of the elements of the complex can be noted indra, the Hindu God of war, storms and rain (riding a three-headed elephant) and Vishnu is riding on the garuda (riding bird (Wahan) in Hinduism).

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Wat Phu was a valid temple for quite a long time, because Buddhism replaced Hinduism in Laos in the middle of the 13th century. In the front of the sanctuary there is an altar with four large statues of the Buddha, as well as the shapes and images of the Buddha can be seen throughout the complex.

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If you visit Vat PKHA to the full moon of the third lunar month (usually in February), you can observe the most interesting ritual - the large annual church festival with many impressive ceremonies and interesting processes that occur within about a week. They include the blessing ceremony of monks, racing on elephants, buffalo and roasting battles, as well as a magnificent fair. Within the framework of the festival, no life is boring - entertainment is enough (among other things, live music and traditional Lao dancing). The temple is open for visits all year round, and you can get there either on the boat in Mekong either by bus / taxi from the pacas.

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4000 Islands

Also known as Si Phan Don. This group of 4,000 small islands scattered throughout Mekong is undoubted for a tourist. South Islands Don Dheth and Don Khong are two most visited, while most of the islands are still wild and uninhabited, mainly due to their small size. Both islands are located near the Cambodian border, and once they were a vital binder between Saigon and Laos - in colonial times, when the railway binding two sides was built.

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Don DHet more distant, although there are several bars and restaurants; Don Khong is the biggest, and get to it easier, and, accordingly, tourists on it happens in the season more - so, and the hotel room has a little harder (by the way, hotels there are super-simple, somewhere even without electricity and phones).

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In the waters surrounding the islands, rare and endangered from the face of the earth Dolphins Iruvadi, similar to Beluga; But see them - a big luck. Most often, dolphins are in the south of the island and closer to the end of the day, from December to May. You can order a walk on the excursion boat, but it is not a fact that during her you will see these wonderful animals. Fishing in these parts is also competent, and the fish is one of the way of feeding the islanders. In general, the villages on the islands are quite self-sufficient, as the locals, in addition to fishing, are engaged in growing rice, coconuts, sugar cane and vegetables, as well as are engaged in the production of clothing and fabrics. On the two main islands, in addition, there are a number of beautiful waterfalls, including a waterfall, which, by rumors, is the largest in Southeast Asia.

You can ride the islands on rented bikes - the best way to explore Lone beaches , rice fields and small villages located near the very old temples. Home Village - Ban Hong , and here is located Temple Jom Thong (Wat Jom Thong), which was erected on the site of the old Khmer Temple and his centenary stupa.

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There are several island Villas French Colonial Epoch And the market that becomes the most busy closer in the late afternoon. Leaving west from the temple, you can meet Waterfalls Lee Phi . If you visit these edges in December, then delay here on National day , a five-day holiday with colorful events, including boxing matches late in the evening.

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In general, the islands are better to visit from November to January. From March to May, here is too hot and dry, while monsoon rains completely wash off all the small roads from June to October. By the way, from the islands you can reach Cambodia through the Military Kham, if there is a Cambodian visa. You can get to the islands on a boat, but it all depends on the season and other factors: for example, some boatmen do not work in fundamentally on a growing moon (or something like that) due to superstitions. Most boats start from Pakse just a couple of dollars, but more often tourists bring to Don Khong, and then you will have to get yourself to another island.

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In general, these islands are an excellent place for those who want to plunge into the "very rural" side of Laos, rich in the most interesting traditions and culture, with old buildings and beautiful landscapes.

Historical Museum Champasaka

In this museum there are several interesting artifacts, including three very old drums, sandstone Buddha heads, dating back to the7th century and others. Textile and jewelry collection is interesting for its great-winged bracelets and elephant bone performers. Also at the exhibition of the museum presents musical instruments, small lingams, a large-scale model of VATO PKH and weapons. There is a museum on Route 13, the entrance ticket costs about 10,000 boiled.

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