What to take yourself on vacation in the pacas?


Packs and Province of Treympassak, the capital of which is this city, offers several very entertaining places. In the Packs and the surrounding area 62 tourist objects: 32 natural, 7 historical and 27 cultural. Of course, natural beauty, definitely, in the first place - precisely behind the picturesque views and travel tourists in Trimpassak. In the same city, there are quite a few colonial buildings in French-style - these facilities are of great interest to a curious tourist: following a sedon's bridge, which local residents are often called the "old bridge", you can go to the old French Quarter.

And also, popular travel is where:

Uttayan Bajiang (Uttayan Bajiang)

This is a complex that includes a waterfall, a large restaurant, which is very popular among tourists, as well as the "layout" of the village with dressed in traditional clothes by people and houses telling about local household traditions. It is located on Route 20 (if you go to the waterfalls Tad Lo).

Waterfall Pha Suam is the most interesting thing in this complex. Water with noise falls with a 10-meter high cliff, carrying their waters into a full-water river, full of fish, which tourists with pleasure feed the bread.

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Next, on the other side, you can see the 'instances' of the traditional village. It so happened that this place is not too popular among visitors to the complex. Still: a handful of "actors" sit in the huts, dressed in traditional clothes, and weave baskets. Some poses for photos, smile - and all of them are extremely modest. In general, there is a feeling that this is some kind of human zoo. But still stroll through the open-air museum stands, and even more interesting to communicate with the locals.

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Waterfalls Plateau Bolaven

In the south of Laos, east of the pacas, is the famous Plateau Bolaven covered with dense impassing jungle, snoxified coffee plantations and fantastic waterfalls. It is waterfalls that are the main interest for tourists, and many tourist routes pass through them. There are a lot of waterfalls! You can start the journey to the most important waterfalls from Utunyan Bajang, which is about 30 kilometers from the packet on Route 20, the road that leads to the beautiful Waterfall Tad Lo . This waterfall is in a natural park, which in itself is an interesting place. Located in the waterfall, the local cuisine restaurant is a worthy place for a satisfying lunch before sunrise.

On the way to Tad Lo you will see a small turn on Tad Suong , the highest of three waterfalls in the area. From the top of the waterfall, there is a magnificent view, and in the rainy season this waterfall is an amazing spectacle. In the dry season, species, of course, are not so impressive, though, the waterfall is a waterfall at any time of the year.

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From here 10 kilometers away Village Tad Lo , as interesting to visit. Next to her there is another waterfall - Tad Hang Small, but wide, perfect for swimming. There are signs around him, prohibiting swimming, but local residents and tourists are still splashing in waters, so that you will be in order.

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In addition to these popular waterfalls, there are places in this area that tourists rarely visit. And some of them are truly impressive! You just need to go down the dirt road 10 kilometers. Well, first, it is River Thresholds Keng Luang . Although many noted that it is the path itself to this river through the countryside - the most interesting and exciting.

If you go further down the road to Atapau, you will see a few more waterfalls. One, in particular Tad Faisek - Wide, with various protrusions and lake below. This is a popular place among local families who come here at the weekend - these days here may be too crowded. At another time there is neither soul, so you can safely swim.

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The road on which tourists rarely go - through National Park between Second and Pakson . She, of course, is not the best: dirt, stones and dust by ankle, in which stones are hidden in the size of a fist: shorter, faster than 10 kilometers per hour you can not go. But traveling on this road is extremely interesting, as you can see some of the best waterfalls on the plateau. Be sure to turn to the fabulous Waterfall Tad Catetok which appears after about 16 kilometers of dirt road. The valley of the raging waterfall also pleases the eye, and the waterfall is noisy and afild at any time of the year.

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If you are going on this road, let's go to Eco-complex in Tad Alang that is 27 km from the start of the ground road. Maybe you will want to stay for a couple of days in a mile bungalow for 30000 kip per night, and if you don't want, then at least just admire the numerous waterfalls around. The most beautiful waterfall - Tad Alang: just like the picture. The vicinity of the canyon, where the waterfall rages, rapidly frightened the fern and bright field colors - a stunning contrast with poor vegetation above.

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Another popular Plateau waterfalls are 40 kilometers from the packet and called they Tad Fein and Tad Gneuang . Tad Fein is more beautiful, it represents two "twin" waterfall, which can be seen from all over the valley. You can reach the other side of the valley with the help of a guide - some tourists are trying to wade themselves with independently, with varying success.

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If you have time, you can get to Waterfall Tad Pasoumov that are up on the road, or go to the opposite direction to admire another near the waterfalls. As you can see the waterfalls on this plateau and the truth is a lot.

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Village Ban Saphai

This village was at 17 kilometers from the pacas founded a group of families from Attapeu hundreds of years ago, and today 44 families live here, with the official population of 396 people. The village with traditional houses in Laos style can be easily bypass in a couple of hours or less. Houses in the water are standing on the piles, and almost every family is engaged in ice, as well as cultivation of corn, watermelons and rice. This place is often visited by tourist groups, so that smiling and mixed locals are well ready for visitors - always ready to sell their handsome goods and chat a little.

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