Useful information about the holiday in Bahrain.


The Willing Island State of Bahrain, spreading in the Persian Gulf, attracts many tourists. And it is very not surprising. After all, who of the travelers, if possible, refuses themselves to visit the "Arab fairy tales". That is what responds about this kingdom, tourists resting on its territory. As one of the smallest Arab countries, Bahrain boasts a well-developed infrastructure, excellent cultural monuments, unique local cuisine and a unique atmosphere, charming from the first minutes of stay.

Climate and Beaches Bahrain

The climatic feature of Bahrain is considered twoseason. In other words, only two years of year is observed here - winter and summer. And they replace each other very smoothly and imperceptibly. The real hot summer with daytime temperatures about +40 degrees occurs in early July and lasts until September. Due to high humidity and unpleasant, dry wind, this period is the most unfavorable for traveling to Bahrain. Sometimes, in the summer, the air warms up to forty-nine degrees and about the saving rain remains only to dream. At the same time, summer nights in the kingdom happen as cold as winter.

Soft, warm winter comes from November and continues until March. At this time, the air temperature drops to + 20-24 degrees. It would seem that the weather becomes more comfortable for rest. However, and without that substantial humidity rises to 80-90%, while the rains needed in the summer period turn out to be completely inappropriate.

As a result, an ideal time for visiting Bahrain is transitional period - From September to November and from March to July. That's when the perfect temperature is installed, there are practically no precipitation and you can walk in colorful streets, studying architectural monuments or non-fat on Bahrain beaches.

As for local beaches, they are all landscaped. However, the coastal areas of recreation are divided into publicly available, the entrance to which is possible for a small fee, and to visit those who belong to the hotel complexes, which can exclusively guests. On both categories of beaches there are cabins for dressing, showers, umbrellas and lounge chairs. On some beaches, resting even provide a free bottle of water. Almost everywhere the entrance to the water is gentle and the shore has a shallow water, ideally suitable for small tourists. By the way, most of the beaches of the kingdom have a sandy coating, but in some places the pebble or shell come, and the water is very salty everywhere.

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Tourists at the time of booking the room should be clarified by the hotel of own beach. If such it turns out, then you can safely pack into a suitcase familiar separate bathing suit. Bahrain's hotel beaches loyally relate to moderately open swimsuits, which will not tell about public beach areas. At sufficiently crowded urban beaches more relevant will be closed, modest swimsuit. Otherwise, not to avoid oblique, gazes.

Kingdom Language and Culture

The official language of Bahrain is Arabic. However, almost all locals associated with tourist business or service sector are fluent in English. In the kingdom with ancient culture and modern values, centuries-old traditions are strictly chosen. Tourists on the local resorts are very respectful. No one demands compliance with the strict Islamic rules. And, nevertheless, before photographing Bahrainz, it is necessary to ask his permissions. This applies to cases when a local woman can be in the frame. Plus, it is forbidden to take pictures of government buildings, military facilities, some palaces and oil companies, and also photographed on the Emir Beach.

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Yet Bahrain is a Muslim country and do not forget about it. The manifestation of a special attitude towards travelers can be considered an invitation to a cup of coffee, which cannot be refused. That is how Bahrainians show their hospitality, inlet in the dwelling of only the most "expensive" guests. At the same time, during a welcoming handshake, a view from the interlocutor is assigned to repeat and tourists.

Unlike other Islamic states, tourists can pamper themselves with strong drinks in Bahrain. That's just to transfer alcohol on the streets without packaging is prohibited, as well as drink alcohol in public places. Recently, the ban on alcohol touched a number of hotels. To drink a glass of wine or a glass of a stronger drink, just tourists who stayed in four and five-star hotels in the country can now have a hot glass of wine. In hotels with fewers, alcohol sale is prohibited. It is also worth noting that a day before the start of any Muslim holiday, the sale of alcohol is suspended.


Rest in Bahrain is difficult to name the budget. Compared to neighboring states, the local prices for products are higher. In small shops, payment for purchases prefer to take "alive" money, but in large shopping centers it will easily be able to pay the Visa bank card.

Exciting the currency brought with you for the Bahrainsky Dinar walking in the kingdom, tourists can be in banks, specialized exchange offices and private exchanger. Large banks of the country work with Saturday to Thursday. To get into them (in the period from Saturday, on Wednesday), tourists will turn out from 7:30 to 12:00 and after a protracted break from 15:30 to 17:30. On Thursday, banks have a reduced working day - from 7:30 to 11:00. The dinar course to the euro and the dollar in banks is stable, which cannot be said about small private exchanger. The latter usually work in the poor areas of the capital until 19:00 and with each successful case they try to fly.

The most profitable exchange rate for tourists is often offered banks and major exchange offices operating at the airport and in some fashionable hotels.

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As for the tips, then in expensive institutions they are most often automatically included in the account. In small cafes and restaurants, it is assumed that for good service and appetizing food, tourists independently will thank, feeding 10% to the amount of the account. Also, tips from travelers await taxi drivers, baggage porters and the Swiss. They will sufficiently give 200 phils, and with a taxi driver to specify the fare in advance, rounding the amount as a sign of gratitude.

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