Why do tourists choose Olkhon?


Lake Baikal still remains a mystery and miracle of nature, despite all human breakthroughs in science and technology. It is strange, as not to see: sheedo and fabulous legends, and mystical stories. People, far from the Irkutsk region, where Baikal is located, it seems that the population fills only the coast. However, no wonder because the legendary lake is often called the sea, and as every sea it has its own islands. One of them is the largest - Olkhon.

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And in Olkhon people live. There are few of them - something about 1,700 people, nevertheless, the island has its own local population. Emphasizing this moment, because actually Olkhon today remains a central sacred place for the entire Shaman community of the North But for someone it's just a place of residence. Buryat legends say that Olkhon is a place for collecting all the formidable spiritual entities of Baikal. So the tourist trip to this part of the land, surrounded by Baikal waters, can be considered extreme. To take at least firm confidence of the previous residents in the fact that the foot of the highest mountain on the island is the island - the Bear's immortal owner is chained (and no one knows - where exactly). The island takes 730 sq. Km, it is a relative small area. But, If we talk about the sights, then they are at the level of not just Russian, but asian. Let's say the rock with a very speaking name shaman, which was previously called the climb Due to the tunnel cave, at the bottom of which there is a natural stone "table" to commit ritual rites. And their "frescoes" in this temple created by the most pricer, also have. The main image arose thanks to the exit of the brown shade breed: almost all the height of the rock is clearly visible to the dragon with head turned into a profile and a pointed tail. The rest of the "frescoes" every guest of the shaman sees in its own way - the bizarre paintings are detached individually, who will see. Another intriguing place is at Cape Khorgoy - the Kuryan Wall. More precisely, its ruins with the base. It is not enough that it was folded in deep antiquity without any solution, simply from stone blocks, so on the inner protected by this very wall site found stones from stone in which there are spherical and cylindrical recesses. For which they - it remains only to guess ... In any case, scientists still express only versions. If you and this is not enough, then sculpt in the germing tract. In the very word "tract" there is something threatening-mysterious. And the sandy is not devoid of a bowl of mysticism. The royal authorities planned to open a religion prison here - the first world war was prevented, but the Soviet government still embodied this idea: until the middle of the 20th century, the infamous "Gulag Archipelago" functioned here. They say such agencies inevitably impose a gloomy mark in place of their location. Local residents have installed the victims of the tree in memory of the victims of the victims of the victims, entangled by barbed wire, found right there.

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However, If you distract from mysticism and legends, then the adherents of rest in the nature of Baikal will find here "the same thing" . It is worthwhile to appreciate the fact that even five dozen days for the whole year is not recruited, there are also very few rainy days, because Olkhon's climate is very similar to the steppe of Central Asia. Seasonal differences are curious: winter is soft enough, summer is not roast, but the water in the lake is warm: +18 - by August (for comparison: the coastal waters of the Russian Black Sea region for September gear up +22), autumn - protracted. With the onset of warm days at the end of the spring, the flow of tourists on Olkhon increases, and not only from all over Russia, but also from far abroad . There are about ten settlements, the chief is a huzier, the overwhelming number of local people live. And it should be noted that the people have long adapted to their resort profile - a variety of private hotels and tourist bases pleases, take renting any tourist equipment or equipment - not a problem, up to quad bickers and riding horses, there is a market, souvenir and food dots, own information - Excursion center and other amenities for travelers. If you are going on the island with the whole family, first of all it will not hurt to reduce their children to the local lore museum - to acquaint children, and it yourself has an idea of ​​where you have to spend your vacation. By the Word of the family holiday: Olkhon can boast that there are no dangerous representatives of the animal world and even so relevant in the middle lane of Russia encephalute ticks. Almost the whole island is a protected environment, so, wanting to relax here for a few days, you need to get a "piece of paper" in estant forestry - official permission. But after that, boldly scatter the tent in any cozy place of beautiful bays, which is a lot along the shores. Cape The head of the mare became famous for the fact that it was discovered by a vulley of extinct volcano, so there is a real opportunity to take away as a souvenir found on his own, melted stone.

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