Shopping in Kunmin: Tips and recommendations


Tourists who were in Kunmeni ambiguously respond about this city. Some call it a modern business center of the province, who managed to preserve centuries-old traditions and culture, and others characterize it as poor in impressions and attractions Chinese city, famous for the stone forest. Nevertheless, travelers from all over the world go and go to Kunming in order to just stroll along the streets of the city, to be picked up on the Articles of the Golden Horse and Green Rooster, adorning historically and to buy for the memory of souvenirs and Chinese tea. By the way, local tea is an excellent gift. On the small and low-headed market, Tang Tzu Xiang Tourists can look like a variety of tea varieties and stop, for example, on unusually decorated "tea plates". They look beautiful and extraordinary. Such a gift does not even require special packaging.

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In addition to such exclusive tea products in the bazaar traded with smoked green tea Tocal, packed in briquettes and leaf black tea, able to sort with the best varieties of Indian drink. Before you acquire an unknown tea variety, potential buyers are invited to taste it and flavor. The owners of local shops and shops gladly brew their goods and boast of its qualities. At the same time, each trader tries to attract the attention of tourists, originally issuing its trading zone.

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But in addition, they climbed grabbing hands and persecuting to look into a particular store, in this market, and, however, it is not observed on the other trade streets of Cunming.

  • There is a market of Tang Tzu Xiang on a slightly narrow street, branched from the Long Street Bajin Lou. In order for it to get all the time to get around for about 10-15 minutes, plus a little more time on tea tasting. Depending on the grade of tea, the costs of its acquisition will be 25-150 yuan for 100 gram packaging.

However, tourists can buy this "drinking" souvenir can not only at the Bazaar Tang Tzu Xiang, but also in the specialized stores scattered throughout the city, as well as on a huge tea market. In Kunmen, there are large branded tea boutiques and small private benches. In addition to tea leaves, the utensils needed for the tea ceremony are sold in them - kettles, tables, cups and guivans. The cost of dishes begins from 15 yuan and reaches 2.5 thousand and. As for the main tea bazaar of the city, it consists of hundreds of benches. And the walk on it will take far from one hour. True, this bazaar is considered to be wholesale, but sellers do not have anything against the sale of tea with small portions. Here, tourists will be able to find not only black and green, but also white, yellow, red tea. As in the small market, Tang Tzu Xiang, on the wholesale market an integral part of the sales process is a tea ceremony. It is worth the tourists to delay attention on some of the goods, as it will be suggested to try it. Of course, at the end of the tea party, it is assumed that tourists will still make a purchase. If not, it will be enough to thank, smile and go to another trading tent.

After several tea ceremonies, the shopaholians might need the toilet room, which in this market is available, and for her visit one yuan is taken.

In addition to the dishes and tea in the bazaar, it will be possible to buy characteristic souvenirs for Cunmina - figurines and amulets made of compressed tea leaves. They are of different shapes and sizes - from small circles with hieroglyphs to large figures in the form of animals. The average cost of such little things is 50-60 yuan.

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  • Find a wholesale tea bazaar Tourists can in the old Chinese quarter. And yet, you should not forget that for a good shopping is quite a little stretched. As a result, the goods you like will manage to buy at a more favorable price. Local sellers love polite, stubborn travelers.

Another successful place for shopping can be the flower and avian kunmine market, located on Jinghing Street. It is possible to buy not only Iques from living and artificial colors, bouquets of driedness, but also all souvenirs, jade and other minerals. Among other things, shops selling handmade products, among which inexpensive craft creations from ivory and wood, ethnic costumes, bedspreads, tablecloths and pillowcases with very beautiful embroidery.

In the search for shopping complexes and boutiques, tourists should go to the city center. Shop and Malls are mostly focused on the three main shopping streets of Kunmina - on Zhengail is located the largest department store of the city and several dozen stores, specialized trading points are working on Kingnian, and Dongfeng will find supermarkets and the Jisin antiques market. All these places are predominantly selling Chinese production. The quality occurs differently and this is reflected in the cost.

In the case when the goal of the shopping is the acquisition of memorable little things and souvenirs, tourists should stroll towards Bajinlo Street. In its souvenir shops, colorful wax engravings are sold at quite an affordable price - from 12 yuan. Also here you can buy well-known Handbags Sani. All handbags are performed by manually skillful tribe craftswomen. They are playing from perfectly selected colors and are decorated with a complex pattern. The cost of the handbag starts from 30 yuan. Also handmade items trades the Kunming Arts and Crafts shop shop on Zinnunlu Street.

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