Holidays in Yangon: How to get?


Yangon is Burmese Bangkok: everything in this city is such a chaotic, as if scattered, not even compatible. This is a real business center of the country, noisy, crowded, popular among tourists, and, honestly, Yangon is little similar to the rest of the country. But we are not talking about it. Unlike Bangkok, for some reason, in Yangon, so far not so effective and convenient system of public transport. But the undoubted plus of Yangon's urban transport is that moving on it, you can fully immerse yourself in a local life. The minus is that so simple in the system you can not disperse, and you have to start breaking my head as where. Think, trouble! So, as you can move on Yangon:

Holidays in Yangon: How to get? 19828_1

On foot

Well, of course, on foot. Walking in the city center are simply wonderful, and they are the most informative. The system of main roads and crossing their small tracks - as if in a huge department store. For example, one street is dedicated to paper and printed business; Another street is completely quenched by shops of keys and locks; The third street is a number of stores offering electronics and the like. In general, very interesting in terms of shopping. The state of pedestrian walkways and streets has improved over the past few years, but you still have to dodge from street merchants with their carts. And anyway, it is the walking of the city's research - the most interesting thing, plus it is free.

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When it comes to how to get to other parts of Yangon, then you can not have any speech about the hunt. Different areas of the city can be too far from the shopping center - and this is too difficult testing even for the most sporty tourist. Yes, and why spend so much time wasted? Also, given the fact that most of the year in Yangon reigns high humidity and elevated temperatures, moving over long distances in a stuffy city (and not in the forest there is some kind of) - this is not the most interesting pleasant occupation. About how, in this case, get to the neighboring area, read below.

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Boorikshi is like scooters in Yangon. Since two-wheeled vehicles are illegal in Yangon, three-wheeled velaikshi are a wonderful, fairly convenient and fast version of movement at large distances. These Rickshaw, as a rule, can be found on the streets in the city center, and jump there worth it if you need to quickly reach, say, until the neighboring quarter. For such a relatively short trip, you will have to give from 1000 to 3000 kyatov: it may seem that it is too expensive, given the fact that a taxi is charged for the passage for the same distance somewhere 1500 local money. But in this way, you make your own contribution to the development of the local community. Well, at the same time, ride on the velaiksha is interesting, exotic and unusual, and on a taxi we can ride and at home.

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And yet, a taxi. Taxi fell into Yangon's streets relatively recently. And today they look there as flowering algae on the polishing of pure lake. Forgive me for such a comparison, but it looks like the truth. Taxi in Yangon today is so much that the expectation of the car takes an average in a couple of minutes - and, almost anywhere throughout the city. Of course, a taxi is the most convenient and most frequently used type of transport, and therefore local taxi drivers begin to bother: that is, taxi drivers are experimenting with passing prices as they do, as soon as they see a foreigner. For example, for a trip, which in facts should cost somewhere 2000 kyatov, a taxi driver easily ask for all 8000! If you scatter a little at prices, then:

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1500 kyatov, as a rule, the minimum for any trip. For this value you will be taken to any place for the distance from one block to a pair of kilometers from the original item (you can a little further, but you will have to bargain)

2000 -3500 Kyatov It is worth passing to seats located somewhere between the river coastal areas of the city center and the top of Lake Inya.

4000- 5,000 kyatov - a rather rare price, and it can take it if a trip is needed just outside the city, where tourists usually do not go (that is, the farthing of Lake Anya). Outside there is only an airport and bus station, but the passage is expensive there. If the taxi driver called this price for the trip inside the city - time to bargain!

6000-8000 Chiat is travel from the city center to the airport or bus station. Have this in mind, if you ask the hotel's employee to book you a taxi for departure.

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If you arrive in Yangon by plane, then pay attention to the electronic scoreboard at the exit from the international terminal: there are listed prices for taxi to each part of the city. Do not let the airport taxi drivers to deceive you with conversations that the price will rise, for example, if on the traffic jams.

If you know how to say "hello" and "Thank you" on Burmese (and even more useful will learn the numbers on Burmese), then it is just wonderful. In this case, the taxi drivers will pronounce "their" in you and will not be so actively inflated with prices (or at least tell the price close to what they say to local residents). Keep in mind that almost every driver now requires an elevated charge due to traffic jams on the road, even if they are especially not. We also keep in mind that if you brought with you a lot of baggage, you will require additional 500-1000 kyatov, but for this money you will help to download and unload suitcases from the car.

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A train

This type of transport for the most romantic. Yangon's train is unsuitable for travelers who need to come to a particular place, as a circular train route is only the outskirts of Yangon. On the train it is impossible to drive up and close to the most popular attractions. But this is a great way to plunge deep in the rhythm of the local life - so to speak, try her taste.

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Cathichna buses in Yangon and are eternal overflowing. This transport is not for nervous and not for those who love comfort. Buses are famously chased through the streets like rhinoceros in panic seizure, so that sometimes it becomes scary for your own life. At the same time, this is the cheapest transport in the city, and even thanks to this risky trips, as well as on trains, plunge into Youngon culture and consider closer to local residents - literally, half an hour to become them!

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On the routes of buses a pile of stops, so that you can get to most destinations with ease, and there will be not so far from stopping. But the problem is that private bus companies dominate in the city, and they do not seek to designate their bass at least numbers. Yes, and with stops somehow not too much understand - where, what, when to go? So, guess that, most likely, you need to go out now, you can only on how the driver's assistant cries the title of the site immediately before the station. By the way, many buses stop literally for a few seconds, which only enough for a terrible rush to climb. Therefore, so long and get stuck inside, thinking, you go there at all or not. Therefore, for tourists who prefer ride on the bus, the easiest way is to shout the driver the necessary place - you will be helped to get away in the right place. Buses in the city begin to go early in the morning, about 05:00, drive late, although you should not count on transport after 22:00.

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The fare costs about 200-300 kyatov, and, almost to any point of the city. Major bus stops - Sule Pagoda Road, north of Pagoda Sulu, anywhere along the Mahabandoola street in the city center; Pagoda Swedagon; in dagon; And at the pagoda Kabar Aye. Specify the hotel, what is the name of the stop, where you should go on the bus. And yes, be careful with your things on the bus: theft always takes place.

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