What interesting places should be visited in Inle?


Burma is a very interesting and diverse country, and all its sights can not be comparable and comparable to each other. Burma is a variety of multiple crops, which are rarely intersect with each other. That is, in this country everyone will find something to his soul or heart. The main thing is not to turn the trip to Burma to the sports competition in the number of seats visited. And certainly, Burma is not only Yangon and the Swedagon. Here, for example, you can travel to Lake Inle located in the south of the state of Shan. The lake is large enough: in length, from north to south, the water surface stretches for 22 km, and in the width of Lake about 10 km.

What interesting places should be visited in Inle? 19810_1

Lake is located in the central part of the country, and, after the commercial capital of Burma, Yangon, this is the most visited part of Myanmar, since, in addition to the lake, there are such important attractions like Bagan, Mandalay and archaeological zone Mraum-U. . In general, it does not matter whether you are committing a quick review tour on the main beauties of the country or head to learn more distant regions, you will still find yourself in Central Burma.

What interesting places should be visited in Inle? 19810_2

Shang. - The largest of the administrative districts in this region. The state location implies a huge potential for a land trip to and from the country. Lake Inle and Trekking between Kalo and Nyonshue - Highlights for many people of Myanmar, but everything changes quickly and the so-called "remote areas" are moving - it seems that what happened to the decade of chiang-mare.

What interesting places should be visited in Inle? 19810_3

While the "graters" between the Buddhist majority and Muslim minority in Burma does not subside on most of the country to this day, A pursued ethnic group in the world. Thus, traveling in this region and safe, and to some extent not the safest, but recent events and news prove that the situation today is peaceful and allowing to travel to those edges.

But back to Inle. From Yangon, for example, to Inle the road is distant and expensive, but it is worth it, because it is the places of magical natural beauty, besides interesting for the study of a special life. The place clings, especially the complete feeling of calm. In no case will the lake in any way disappoint you: it is insanely beautiful, surrounded by the picturesque mountains, which create a feeling of some separate world. And how beautiful the lake at sunset!

What interesting places should be visited in Inle? 19810_4

Do not ride in too tourist places - it is better to ride through the channels on the triumph of Ywan on local market , very colorful, which works about five days a week, and among sellers - residents of mountain villages. You can buy craft products, fabrics, silver ornaments, wood threads and other goods.

What interesting places should be visited in Inle? 19810_5

You can travel (for example, by bike) to Maing Thauk. that on the eastern shore of the lake. Here there is much less tourists.

What interesting places should be visited in Inle? 19810_6

On the lake you can see a local exclusive: Fishermen, rowing water And catching fish with huge padded baskets. Also, the coast can be admired, as the locals make a river lotus fiber fabric - an amazing spectacle, and the products are just dear! But today this process has become a specific tourist attraction, as well as a cigarette factory, and forge for black and non-ferrous metals.

What interesting places should be visited in Inle? 19810_7

There is off the coast and beautiful vintage buddhist Monastery Nga PKHA Chiaun With a lot of small dilapidated and overwhelmed pagodas - it looks very surreal, and very "taking pictures". The old monastery is almost 160 years old! By the way, it is sometimes called "Monastery of Jumping Cats", since in the old tradition, the monks teach cats here to jump on a large height. If you abstract from cats, the monastery is interesting.

What interesting places should be visited in Inle? 19810_8

And still at the shores in the villages live Padaungs - The very, with long necks.

What interesting places should be visited in Inle? 19810_9

In the end, it is interesting to even just make a walk on the boat on the lake: at this moment covers the state of Euphoria. In addition, it would be interesting to live in the bungalow on the water from the point of view of complete unity with nature.

Can go and in Indines , a small village with majestic pagodas towering on the temple grief. It is believed that in the vicinity of the village there are more than four hundred such structures, and the constant chime of bells gives a special mystery of this place. Indain - the place is above all silence, especially in off-cying, when there is no crowd of tourists. In this case, the sensations are simply magic: destroyed pagodas, silence and ringing bells in the wind. Perhaps it was the visit to this village that will become the most memorable not only throughout the trip to Myanmar, but also in all countries of Southwestern! You can go to Indines in October-November, when there is a magnificent and interestingly celebrate the holiday of five Buddhas, and it is especially great if you get on the final race of the surrounding villages.

What interesting places should be visited in Inle? 19810_10

Many tourists advise to put inle before the Bagan, and assure that after the Bagan, nothing can be very impressed. Others, on the contrary, believe that it is Inle - the most beautiful part of the country. To solve only you!

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