Where to go shopping and what to buy in Mandala?


Mandalay is located almost in the very center of Myanmar, so that a variety of products from all over the country are actively born here. In this city, the choice of products is more than worthy, besides, please and prices. Of course, Mandalay, and all Burma is not the best direction for luxury shopping. But this is a wonderful destination for shopping interesting, because in the markets of the city, they are offered all, from precious stones and jade to local food, which are difficult to find even in Yangon.

That's about the markets and I would like to talk a little more. Name Market Zegyo. (Ze Cho. ) Translated as a "pleasant price" or "Sweet price". This is not only the most famous market in the city, it is also the oldest bazaar, because its foundation dates back to the reign of the King Mindon, which is ruled by Burma since 1853 to death, that is, until 1878.In this market, you can find a little everything that you can wish, and you can buy an Indian spice wholesale, Thai silk, Kaczynsky Jade (Kacin - the northernmost state of Myanmar, bordering China, where gold and nephritis are actively being actively conducted), As well as objects of local crafts, art and jewelry. The abundance of products and spices are great eyes - a real prelander for the eyes of photographers and lovers of exotic and local flavor: if you want to make beautiful pictures, free the place on the flash drive. And yes, it is best to go to the market early in the morning to have time to capture or simply admire the locals who came across the traditional robes and the abundance of goods.

Where to go shopping and what to buy in Mandala? 19808_1

With almost 3000 departments in a five-story modern building, shopping center "Diamond Plaza" (or for the older generation - Yadanarbon market ) Sticks over the general landscape of the city center, as if a spacecraft. Do not think that this is some kind of fashionable department store with franchise departments. Although! Here you can still buy many products of Burmese production and crafts of local craftsmen.

Where to go shopping and what to buy in Mandala? 19808_2

The Yaaanarbon Market officially occupies the entire first floor, and offers about 1,500 benches with different goods. The rest of the building is Skywalk Shopping Mall. The contents of the departments of the shopping center as a whole are not so diverse as in the Zegyo market, but you may be interested in one of three cinemas (with air conditioning), where the Western and Burmese films are shown somewhere at noon. Due to the proximity to the tea rows and beer houses surrounding Mall, Diamond Plaza became the center for Mandalay teenagers and tourists looking for a place where it could be saved from the heat.

If modern "Diamond Plaza" does not particularly impress you (not for such things we drove into Mandalay), and does not pegs imagination, you can go on Shan Ze Night Market which is broken at dusk under the muted light of the lanterns at the venue of the day Chinese market. In this market, it is possible to detect high quality products, as well as a number of restaurants of traditional cuisine of the people of Shan. As for the latter, it is mandatory to try fried dumbling, noodles and tofu. These restaurants are not very popular among tourists, you can not read about the reviews of feedback, but the food there is divine. In the market generally sell a lot more, in addition to meals, therefore, if you need some souvenirs or things, look at the night market.

Where to go shopping and what to buy in Mandala? 19808_3

The pearl of the trading scene Mandalay is, of course, Jeid Market (Jade Market), which is also known as Mahar Aung Myay market or the market of precious stones. The schedule of the work of this bazaar is not so comfortable, moreover, for the entrance to the territory and parking lots will have to learn about 1000 kyat, but all these troubles are worth it. The show starts at 4 am, when nephritis and precious stones are unloaded with trucks. Huge pieces of jade are behind the fence, and Chinese and Burmese wholesale buyers roam the complex, looking for moves for the best deal.

Where to go shopping and what to buy in Mandala? 19808_4

Foreigners can also buy products on this seemingly an infinite market, but it's also interesting to just sit in one of the many local restaurants and admire how things are going on the bazaar. The market closes at 10:00, but then it will be opened again at 14:00 for a couple of hours in order to sell the remaining small stones, already polished and ready for jewelry. It is best to be in this market that is early in the morning, since in the afternoon the market is almost empty and not very interesting. The market is at the river, but soon he is planned to be transferred beyond the limits of the injection (Ava). Or have already been transferred.

Where to go shopping and what to buy in Mandala? 19808_5

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