Tartu: Useful information for tourists


Internet and communications in Tartu

With the Internet in the student city the situation is very good. Free Wi-Fi is found everywhere - from urban parks to hotels, hostels and cafeterias. And even if it wanted to find a place for the night, where there will be no free internet or any other opportunity to go to the World Wide Web I doubt that tourists will succeed. Even the most inexpensive hostels and private pensions working in Tartu not one dozen years old, try to keep up with the times and provide your guests such a necessary service as free Wi-Fi.

If the need for the Internet arises away from the place where tourists stop for the night, it will be possible to look into one of the Internet cafes, which scattered around the city, or in the post office, located on Riga Street, 4. In such places in the hour Access to the network will need to pay about 2-3 euros.

As for telephone communications with relatives and close during a trip to Tartu, tourists can connect roaming service or purchase a SIM card of local mobile operators. With a short trip, the costs of phone calls using roaming will not greatly undermine the budget of travelers. However, if the rest in Tartu is delayed more than one or two days, and for one reason or another, it is necessary to keep in touch with a homeland, it is better to spend 10 euros and acquire an Estonian SIM card. Tourists will be able to buy it in Tartu in one of the cellular salons or in special R-kiosks. There are three operators in the city, each of whom offers travelers targeted spoken packages. A minute of conversation with Russia in Estonian cellular communication will cost tourists at 0.52 euros, and the call inside the country will cost from 0.03 euros.

It is undesirable, but it is quite possible to tourists during their stay in Tartu will have to make a call to one of the emergency rooms: 112- Ambulance and rescue service, 110 - Police. All of them will be free even when making a call from mobile.

And yet, it is worth saying that it will not be possible to take advantage of the usual urban payphones in Tartu. Almost all street telephone machines are dismantled. And accidentally discovering such a telephone, tourists can safely be photographed with it, since a similar means of communication in the city is considered already a rarity.

Tartu: Useful information for tourists 19794_1

One taxone even became the exhibit of the Estonian National Museum, despite the fact that he served just ten years.


The official currency of the country is the euro. Accordingly, it would be reasonable to go to the holidays in Tartu with this kind of money. First, in the city you can pay for the services and purchases from the euro. Secondly, the conditions for the exchange of currency in local banks and exchange offices do not particularly please tourists. Financial institutions Tartu charge large commissions for the service conversion service. Tourists who appeal to one of the city banks are Sampo, SEB (University Street, 2), Nordea (Rybaka Street, 2) or Swedbank (Round Street, 2), will be sure of this.

Tartu: Useful information for tourists 19794_2

Almost all of them work from 9:00 to 18:00 from Monday to Friday. The remaining days of the week are weekends. The exception is Nordea, serving its customers and tourists on Saturday from 10:00 to 14:00. Exchange items, as a rule, work even on weekends. One of them travelers will be able to detect at the address: Knight's street, 2.

As for non-cash payments, this method of payment is welcomed in Tartu. In hotels, restaurants and shops without problems you can pay a bank card. Even small souvenir shops take to pay Visa. And the ATMs of Estonian and foreign banks are found everywhere on the streets and in the shopping centers of the city.

Tips in cafes and restaurants to leave Tartu accepted. Especially if the service and kitchen of the establishment of tourists really liked. In this case, the final account for lunch or dinner should add 5-10%, which will delight waiters and will not go bankrupt travelers.

Security in the city

In whatever the resort there are tourists, it is impossible to lose vigilance. In almost all tourist cities, pockets are industrially, in some places, and in some markets and in souvenir shops, prompt merchants are trying to follow the impression of travelers. All this, of course, meets in Tartu. However, cases of fraud and theft of personal belongings here occur extremely rarely. Police patrol the city around the clock and in the occurrence of any incidents immediately come to the aid to tourists.

Tartu: Useful information for tourists 19794_3

So Tartu can be called a safe city for any travelers - from married couples to lonely girls. The only thing that should be avoided is a conversation for political topics and the statement of our own opinion about the former republics of the Soviet Union. For most local residents, these are "painful" topics, the affect of which can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Also tourists should not forget about the "dry law" currently operating in Tartu. Drinking alcoholic beverages is possible only in local restaurants, pubs and cafes. For such an act in a public place or on the street, resting faces a fine of 40 euros and above.

Tartu: Useful information for tourists 19794_4

The exception is Pyrogova Park, in which, for the period from March 15 to October 15, picnics are allowed with strong drinks.

In Tartu, as in the whole Estonia, there is a strict ban on smoking in public places. In the local bars and restaurants there are specially reserved zones for smokers. For smoking in the wrong places, tourists faces a fine of about 80 euros. True, in the first violation of the guests of the city usually manage to be separated by oral warning.

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